Shilhar's Stone

It is the year 3998 of the Galactic Empire.

In the SmarlEgGiani system, around its twin stars, orbits a large asteroid. The SmarlEgGianis, a developed humanoid race and members of the Federation, have an old myth about Shilhar, the goddess of rivers (hence the goddess of trade, travel, and fishing), who once came across a large mountain which deliberately blocked a strong river by sitting across it. Shilhar was greatly displeased by this, and politely asked the mountain to leave. It politely refused. Shilhar then ordered the mountain to leave, and cease its sensless hinderance to the river, and the mountain again refused. Shilhar, knowing that mountains tended to be stubborn, decided to give this one, whose name she did not yet know, one more chance.

Shilhar spoke with full power, threatening the stubborn mountain with the wrath of a goddess of all moving water. Her voice boomed and echoed through the valleys. When she was done, the mountain stretched its summit to the sky and its roots out as far as it could in defiance. It claimed that the goddess and her rivers were no more to it that the light winds which flowed over its crags, and that it would never move for her.

Shilhar was terribly angered by this. In a fit of utter rage, she picked up the mountain, which to her was like a small stone, tearing it from the ground, and hurled it far into the sky, where its only companions would be the constellations. She believed this fitting, since the constellations, being only the dead remains of warriors, heroes, and beasts, would offer it no company, and it would be forced to wander, aimlessly and alone, among the dead. According to the myth, ever since then, the object known by the SmarlEgGianis as "Shilhar's Stone" has circled the sky, shunned by the planet-gods, as a dim but visible traveller.

Once the SmarlEgGianis began to expand into space, they considered Shilhar's Stone a significant target to be explored by early spacecraft, if for no other reason that the myth. It was soon discovered that the object was a large, irregular asteroid. In fact, it was the single largest non-planetary object in orbit around the binary star system. Basic exploration found that the asteroid was rich in various minerals. Once they advanced far enough to begin colonizing other planets, the set up a small base there, to mine the asteroid and serve as a convenient interplanetary "refueling station."

Once the SmarlEgGianis became part of the Galactic Federation, base 413, more commonly known by the system locals as Shilhar's Stone, became a significant mining station capable of supporting up to 50 people. Because of its low gravity pull, it was an ideal layover spot for the few trnspprts coming through the system that had no scheduled stops on SmarlEgG.

Now, Shilhar's Stone is an small, out-of-the-way way-station for travellers and miners. Every few days or so, a ship will dock, taking and bringing wanderers and travellers of all races, supplies, interesting stories, or just plain gossip. Base 413 has a semi-permanent staff of 8-10, including the artificial systems.

It's a nice, quiet life....

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