``We once were men and now are arid stumps:
you hand might well have shown us greater mercy
had we been nothing more than souls of serpents.''

--Dante Inferno

The people here are so incautious. I, who have looked at the sky, will be one of the few. One of the last few to escape, to go on, into the darkness. The darkness is nothing to fear, but the fire is. Soon, everything here will be gone, consumed, when the time is up. At the other side, I will be clean, intact, but my neighbors will carry around whatever is left of their charred bones and blistered flesh for all eternity.

Take, for example, my neighbor to the south. He still seeths with anger, so much that he has forgotten that the world ends soon, and he should put it aside.

Another neighbor of mine worries about others, and is still involved in this dying world. He doesn't understand that he can't take it with him, that his work and planning is without value.

The third of my neighbors is a much more sane minded fellow. He is enjoying the here and now, and he doesn't care about the future. I envy his pleasure, but not for long. When the time comes, he will suffer, since he hasn't gotten himself to safety.

I should put the buisness of my neighbors aside, though, and relax to wait for my end. It is good poison that I bought, it will have taken me far away before the end comes.