Natural Wonders
Still Life

We're still standing.

The past two years have been very rough for us. Eddie met a really cute groupie on our last tour and they became romantically involved. It's been interfering with his duties to the band and it's been traumatic for him to decide between the two. Dave and Amber had a little thing going for a while, until Dave sunk into drugs and alcohol and started losing his grip on life and reality. He wouldn't admit he had a problem, so we decided to tell him in a song--the most intense we've written yet. It worked and he's getting help.

But we've been able to cope and we can now really say that we've suffered for our music. The troubles we've dealt with have worked their ways into our songs, and now we've made them into an album. We hope you'll enjoy the songs and perhaps learn from them.

Amber, Nick, Dave, Eddie, Eric
The Natural Wonders

The Natural Wonders: Amber Lane (vocals); Nick Adams (guitar, vocals); Dave Metropolis (bass, background vocals); Eric Cappman (guitar); Eddie Volvo (drums). All songs written by the Natural Wonders.