Project 1 Statement
Michael Coyle

Working Title: Dave's Fantastic Journey

This is a story about a six-day roadtrip on which there were three participants. It segments nicely into 18 lexiae, which becomes 20 with the addition of a prologue and epilogue. There may also be a "special guest lexia" toward the end of the trip, so stay attentive as your surf the pages!

The story is based on an actual trip that happened this past summer. The names of the participants have NOT been changed to protect the idiotic. (Anyone who takes a six-day trip for a three-day convention can't be all right in the head. Anyone who gets into a car with me for a six-day trip can't be all right in the head. These people did both!)

The 18 core lexiae consist of one journal-type entry per person per day. Each person writes about the events of the morning, afternoon, or evening for a particular day. A particular entry is told from the perspective of whomever happened to be in the back seat during that period. Each traveler has a different way of looking at things, though you'll find they all share a willingness to make fun of the other roadtrippers!

The prologue and epilogue are not entirely necessary, but I like prologues and epilogues, and it's MY story. If you don't like prologues and epilogues, don't put them in YOUR story.