For of course it was that afternoon, that very afternoon, that Dalloway had come over; and Clarissa called him "Wickham"; that was theBig Ben: 11:30 AM beginning of it all. Somebody had brought him over; and Clarissa got his name wrong. She introduced him to everybody as Wickham. At last he said "My name is Dalloway!"-that was his first view of Richard-a fair young man, rather awkward, sitting on a deck-chair, and blurting out "My name is Dalloway!"

He was a prey to revelations at that time. This one-that she would marry Dalloway-was blinding- overwhelming at the moment. There was a sort of-how could he put it? -- a sort of ease in her manner to him; something maternal; something gentle. They were talking about politics. All through dinner he tried to hear what they were saying.

Afterwards he could remember standing by old Miss Parry’s chair in the drawing-room.