Translation of the Everett Papyri
Samples #7-A-27 through #7-A-35

This documents contains the translations of the papyri found in the underground chamber at the quarry site near Giza. The initial discovery was initially made by Dr. Everett, American University in September. Translations were accomplished using the accepted Ford-Elliott hieroglyphic translation tables. Where ambigous, possible translations are so noted.

In this researcher's opinion, the Everett papryi are an amazing find. Although each Egyptologist will probably try to use them to further his or her own theories, they will teach us a significant amount about the building of the Great Pyramids.

These papryi are a chronicle, a story preserved by a cutter. Although we know little about him, his word tell us volumes about his work and about his people. This preliminary release of his writings is meant to both inspire and confuse. Use them well.

Proceed to the first papyrus, an index of translations and artifacts, a map of the site or a plan of the site.

Dr. Sarah Mercer

About the creation of this site.