Basic concepts of nuclear physics
with emphasis on nuclear structure and radiation interactions
with matter. Elementary quantum theory; nuclear forces;
shell structure of the nucleus; alpha, beta, and gamma,
radioactive decays; interactions of nuclear radiations
(charged particles, gammas and neutrons) with matter;
nuclear reactions; fission and fusion.
The course is divided into three main sections:
1) Quantum Mechanics Fundamentals;
2) Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Decays;
3) Interactions in Nuclear Matter and Nuclear Reactions.
![Picture of Enrico Fermi](images/image1_1.jpg) |
![Diagram of Rutherford scattering experiment](images/image2_1.jpg) |
![Drawing of nucleus emitting a gamma ray](images/image3_1.jpg) |
Enrico Fermi
Rutherford Scattering
Gamma Decay
![Drawin of an atom](images/image1_2.jpg) |
![Graph of specific binding energy versus mas number](images/image2_2.jpg)
![2 D drawing of interference with a single wave source and two slits](images/image3_2.jpg) |
Atomic Structure
Specific Binding
Energy vs Mass Number
2D Interference