YES... we really mean free!

We're a non-profit organization dedicated to improving science education throughout the country and the world. We're funded by people and corporations that want to see changes and improvements. In a time where budget cuts run rampant through the educational sector we need to provide solutions that won't add to the financial stress each school feels.

Any distance learning system could make a huge difference in the way science is taught, if each school uses a different system what's the point? We're providing our service for free so that we can set a standard in distance learning software.

In order to use our software, a school needs an internet connection. You might think that this automatically connects the high school to the rest of the world. You're absolutely right. So does the telephone, but you don't have teachers and students in each high school calling each other every day. What's missing is a formalized means of communication. Our software provides a simple way of interaction that forces its users to exploit the power of the internet without even realizing it!

Keep reading the overview to find out exactly how we do this!