Before doing any cutting or drilling, you should have you part
completely laid out. You don't need a perfect drawing but you should
have numbers corresponding to every feature you want to make. It's easy
to make mistakes while in the shop, so if you do all the math before you
come into the shop, not only will it be faster, but you'll be less
likely to make mistakes.
Layout Fluid
Coating your workpiece with blue layout fluid will make layout
easier. It's similar to paint. The goal
is to have a thin layer that you can make marks into. Don't add too
much, or else the layout fluid will flake off when being marked on.
A scriber is the shop equivilent of a pencil. It is a thin, sharp
cylinder used to make marks on work pieces. The scriber will easily mark
softer materials, such as aluminum, but is not as useful for making
marks in steel. With harder material, layout fluid is more important
because it may be the only way to effectively mark these parts.