Hello Folks,

My name is Musa Mohammad Najam-ud-din. I was born on the Fourth of July 1997.... Just as the fireworks were about to go off in Boston and as the Boston Pops played to Souza's band tunes on the Charles River Esplanade!!!!! They did not know it then, but they were really playing for me.

My father's name is Adil Najam and my mother's name is Huma Najam. You can also visit my father's page by pressing anywhere on this paragraph.

I was born 20.5 inches tall and weighed just under 7 pounds. I was named Musa by my father for the Prophet Moses and Mohammad by my grandfather for the Prophet Mohammad. Najam-ud-din was the last name of my great grandfather..... actually it's kind of cool that my great grandfather's name was "Mohammad Najam-ud-din" both of which names I also carry.

I will tell you more about myself in a few days once I make a better sense of this so-called planet of yours..... meanwhile enjoy my pictures on this page!
