For this final project, my partner and I decided to create a video game based off our experience at MIT over the summer. In our game, the user had to place an infrared light sensor on themselves and a camera would interpret their side to side movements and translate that into side movements by the icon in the game. The player had to move left and right to dodge dangerous things, like problem sets, or blast them with a laser by pressing a button that the player would hold. The player would earn points by collecting good things, like Techcash (MIT money).
There were many important components to the project, the code and the hardware. The most challenging part of the code was incorporating the sprites to out game, that is, having images move and interact with different objects in the game. Further, it was also a challenge to get the camera to read the movement of the player fast enough to make it seems as though the game character would move simultaneously as the real-life player.
Another important component was our hardware. We used a Raspberry Pi and camera to read the infrared sensor of our players. We also had a button connected to have our character shoot missiles.