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N/8%t.H%z/H%8H%D w1x'ep! }1Dp%e!%%x@ s/%1Dx%%e!/p% y1Dp%e!x/%0%D vB1x'fp! |B1Dp%f!x@ rB/%1Dx%f!/p% xB1Dp%f!x/%$8%1 <4!x$v0%Ȁ!x$Ƃ 8%<4!p@$~/0%@p$8%{t101x%Dp<'f0!/u1?p!.4!%%q1rB1<x%px! hC.x%q180.%p!.B0P%3.<x%DȀ'j08p!˂38s10p%D'9j0p!͂3.?ȀD%j0.!.%q1?pD'j0p!8p%A$<4!X%a$Ap$<8x%4!a$%%%%'(<'P!'x!@!3h!P!K3x!1lP!K&a13(1m&P1K!*`! x& A1 11x&@!h!1Y1o3*Oh& ȃ3(p&XC!,1j x&9p!@%%x/ ï'<'<!'x!P!K3A1l11 -x&H!-@! 311K1l3P&1K+H&!+! hC11i i11 1X`&P!!+X11i3 3+1-H& PX!i1X`&1h&1*%%/ $'<'!'0h%F|@%%%@%%%%%@% N8H%%r.H%%`%V/H%) )%3v@&1@&1@&3.@&19H&1%%8H&%%3.%z/H&%39H&%/%%- *`!Dp.!.n0p!%19H&%18H&%3.~/H&%3@&%1@&%3.|@&%3v@&h%<4!x$!$<UU4!UUBP%p$@!x$H% 3.!. 3!8X%@% r1p!.Ȁp%18Ȁ/!@% 38p!8 t1p!.@p% 3!8Ȁ%1NȀ/p!xH%x r @x%P& v1?p! 3?p!%k%k8p% 38?Ȁ/!%1N?Ȁ/p!p%@& @ p%x%kP& 38?p!8 t1?p!.% 3?p!8p%1Y?!8%@&r@%n%kP& 3?Ȁ/! 38?Ȁ/!% r1?p!.%1X?p!.%8H&r@.%y8P& v1?p! 3?p!8p% 38?Ȁ/!%1N?Ȁ/p!x%%+ /H&<4!!$x$<4!q.P%!$y$H% v1xp! t%ky1p!p% z1x!x%1.p! v@%1xp! ty1p!p% z1x!x%1Np!H%`%3.33.%%1 ~%1% t1% z1%%1.% %' <'!'؏H%ί`( $ (% $  %@$$'(- $%'(<'!'p+ <(4B:'$ '$  '$ $$ '$I$X$ d '$(%$h %'<'!'p $-$!%'$ '$  '$ '$$X$  @< 5): '$(% $h< 5J: < 5k:2  '<'!'Я44080, (0L$ ,,3$ L( ,@%0 p, #$ ,< 5Jj,(0,084,'99 ,L ,H @,8%('0<'!'Я0044H$ , '8%9 0 -!  4,K L` %lh!%`(%0% 0( 0(Klh!%10(.P!K` (0%(* $'0<'p!'د(($($( @ P ! @ $$(%l$x+ %'(<'!'د(($($( 4 P ! $(%l$x+ '(<'H!'Я440   %(%  (p  L$ " K`$ 0 (,( LK d    p % $ e 0l*F  G,,`U`%L   %+  @P *X!$ ` %@ $94$  &8@+ T  * %%Y   (%ԍl   p  p (% ԍ %'0<'t!'د,,($(, (*  $( $ E'(%<'!'p+ <(4B:'$ '$  '$$ $$ '$I$X$ d '$(%$h %'<'!'p $-$!%'$ '$  '$$ '$$X$  @< 5): '$(% $h< 5J: < 5k:2  '<'!'௤    %(%  p   % ' <'P!'؏쯿(,(% ' $Al,BH 0H$94H'((4<4!B@* H% 4H)0H' %k0mlMLH' %ΰ0 (%/,$j'(<'@!'د,,($<34B:L$ $$($ ,$$ , @%$ $p$ <Ǐ4B:p$ <Ǐ 4B:,($ %(($j ('(<' !H'ȯ$ΰ@ 8< ( % 000 4 0 0@%0&0  % $H9@8<4 00 &1* 8%l 80& r18'88$'8%<'!'ЏDX%@h%F@%%%r@%%%%%@% N9H%%z/H%%`% 8H%( )%3.~@&3t@&1@&1@&3v.H&1%%9H&%%1%8H&%3..H&%/$$- *`!Dx/!/~Px!%3r.H&%19H&%18H&%3.@&%1@&%1@&%3.~@&0%<4!$!$<UU4!UUpBP%x$@!$8H% v1Ȁ8p! 3.Ȁ8p!p@% z1xp!p.x%19p!./@% v1xp! |1xp!p@.x% 3.Ȁ8p!p%1Opx!H%y z u@%8P& ~1?Ȁ8x! 3/?Ȁ8x!%k%kx% r1?p!.%1O?px!.x%@& r@ .x%y%k/P& v1?xp! |1?xp!/p% 3/?Ȁ8x!x%1N?Ȁ8p!p%@&z@p%o%kP& 3/?p!/ t1?p!.% z1?xp!/p%1Y?x!/%9H&z@u%nP& ~1?Ȁ8x! 3/?Ȁ8x!x% r1?p!.%1O?px!.%%+! 8H&<4!!p$$<4!yP%!$p$H% ~1x! |%1x!/%kx% 3!8Ȁ%1/Ȁ.x! ~8@%1x! |1x!/x% 3!8Ȁ%1OȀ.x!v18H%38r1%1 %3% |1% 3%%1/%%@h%%%%|%%8x%%%%~ %% %z% `%.% F@%@%t@% N.H%<z/H%4!9H%!$p$<UU4!UUxBP%$@!p$H% ~1x! 3x!%%x@/% 3/Ȁ.x!%%x%18x!%%@% ~1Ȁ.x! 3/Ȁ.x!%%x@% 3x!%kx/%1Yx!/pH%x z@/p%P&1Y?xp! z1?xp!%k%k/p% 3/?Ȁ8x!%kx% v1?p!.%@& u@ z%o%kP&1N?x!. z1?x!/% t1?px!.x% 3.?Ȁ8p!p%@&}@p%oP&1Y?xp! z1?xp!/p% 3/?Ȁ8x!x% v1?p!.%9H&u@z%oP&1N?x!. z1?x!/% t1?px!.x% 3.?Ȁ8p!%%) 8H&<4!!$$<4!q.P%!x$$H% v1p! t( 1px!yp% 3x!x%1.xp! v@%1p! t1px!yp% 3x!x%1Nxp! H%@& %.H&~13.z1 v11% %3 r%118%%%%$% $- &h!Dx/!/~lx!18% 3.% |1% 3.%1%3%t1%3%%'0<'!'XX$ \`T0HD'/! LDȀ9!9~= sensitive_data.host_key.bits + SSH_KEY_BITS_RESERVEDsshd.csensitive_data.host_key.bits >= sensitive_data.private_key.bits + SSH_KEY_BITS_RESERVEDsshd.cReceived session key; encryption turned on./etc/shadowxCan't find %.100s's shadow - access denied.Account %.100s's password is too old - forced to change.%s %s/usr/athena/bin/passwd*LK*Account %.100s is locked.Connection for %.200s not allowed from %s Connection for %.200s denied from %s Unknown group id %d noneConnection for %.200s not allowed from %s Connection for %.200s denied from %s 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEFKerberos V5: %s while initializing krb5.Connection attempt for %.100s from %s.Cannot change user when server not running as root.Attempting authentication for %.100s.Login for user %.100s accepted without authentication.Kerberos tgt passing disabled.Kerberos tgt REFUSED for %sKerberos tgt REFUSED for %sKerberos authentication disabled.Kerberos authentication accepted %.100s for login to account %.100s from %.200sKerberos authorization failed.Kerberos authorization failed for %.100s for login to account %.100s from %.200s.Kerberos authentication failed for %.100s from %.200sRhosts authentication disabled.Rhosts authentication not available for connections from unprivileged port.Rhosts authentication accepted for %.100s, remote %.100s on %.700s.Rhosts authentication failed for '%.100s', remote '%.100s', host '%.200s'.Rhosts with RSA authentication disabled.RhostsRsa authentication not available for connections from unprivileged port.RhostsRsa authentication not available for unencrypted session.RhostsRsa authentication not available for session encrypted with arcfour.RhostsRSA authentication failed for '%.100s', remote '%.100s', host '%.200s'.RSA authentication disabled.RSA authentication for %.100s accepted.RSA authentication for %.100s failed.Password authentication disabled.Password authentication not available for unencrypted session.Too many password authentication attempts from %.100s for user %.100s.Password authentication failed for user %.100s from %.100s.Password authentication for %.100s accepted.Password authentication for %.100s failed.Unknown message during authentication: type %dnoneROOT LOGIN REFUSED FROM %.200sRoot login accepted for forced command.ROOT LOGIN REFUSED FROM %.200sROOT LOGIN as '%.100s' from %.100sReceived illegal compression level %d.Received illegal max packet size %lu.Allocating a pty not permitted for this authentication.Protocol error: you already have a pty.Allocating pty.Failed to allocate pty.ttyX11 forwarding disabled in server configuration file.X11 forwarding not permitted for this authentication.Received request for X11 forwarding with auth spoofing.Protocol error: X11 display already set.Remote host has no X11 installed.Authentication agent forwarding not permitted for this authentication.Authentication agent forwarding denied because the other end uses too old version.Received authentication agent forwarding request.Port forwarding not permitted for this authentication.Received TCP/IP port forwarding request.Forking shell.Executing command '%.500s'Unknown packet type received after authentication: %dExecuting forced command: %.900sCould not create pipes: %.100ssetsid: %.100sdup2 stdindup2 stdoutdup2 stderrfork failed: %.100spty_cleanup_proc called again, ignoredpty_cleanup_proc calledsetsid: %.100sdup2 stdin failed: %.100sdup2 stdin failed: %.100sdup2 stdin failed: %.100sgetpeername: %.100s%.200s/.hushloginLast login: %s Last login: %s from %s /etc/motdrfork failed: %.100sdup failed: %.100s%s=%srBad line in %.100s: %.200s /etc/default/loginALTSHELLYESSHELLSUPATHPATH%s:%s/mit/crypto/arch/sgi_62/binPATHPATH:/usr/sbin:/usr/bsd:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/mit/crypto/arch/sgi_62/binTZTIMEZONETZHZHZUMASKULIMITSystem call getprojuser failedSystem call newarraysess failureSystem call setprid failure/etc/nologinrLogins are currently denied by /etc/nologin: executing remote command as root: %.200sexecuting remote command as user %.200s0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEFsetgidinitgroupsFailure performing SGI project setup for user %d.setuid %d: %sFailed to set uids to %d./sbin/shHOMEUSERLOGNAMEPATH:/usr/sbin:/usr/bsd:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/mit/crypto/arch/sgi_62/bin%.200s/%.50s/var/mailMAILSSH_ORIGINAL_COMMANDTZTZTZ%.50s %d %dSSH_CLIENTSSH_TTYTERMDISPLAYREMOTEUSERKRB5CCNAMESSH_AUTH_SOCK/etc/environment%.200s/.ssh/environmentCould not chdir to home directory %s: %s Environment: %.200s .ssh/rc%.100s %.100s.ssh/rcRunning %s w%s %s Could not run %s .ssh/rc/mit/crypto/etc/sshrc%.100s %.100s/bin/sh/mit/crypto/etc/sshrcRunning %s w%s %s Could not run %s /mit/crypto/etc/sshrcRunning %.100s add %.100s %.100s %.100s %.200s -q -wadd %s %s %s add %.*s/unix%s %s %s Running %s add %s%s %s %s add %s%s %s %s Could not run %s -q - MAILNo mail. You have mail. You have new mail. WARNING: Your account expires in %d days WARNING: Your password expires in %d days -c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>L>>>>>>>,>>>>>>>l>/dev/nullps -al 2>/dev/nullls -alni /tmp/. 2>/dev/nullw 2>/dev/nullnetstat -s 2>/dev/nullnetstat -an 2>/dev/nullnetstat -in 2>/dev/null/dev/randomrstate->next_available_byte < RANDOM_STATE_BYTESrandoms.cbuffer_get trying to get more bytes than in bufferbuffer_get trying to get more bytes than in bufferbuffer_get trying to get more bytes than in buffer %02x Old channel code will be emulated.Agent forwarding disabled (remote protocol too old)fcntl O_NONBLOCK: %.100sfcntl O_NONBLOCK: %.100sCompression already enabled.(bytes % 8) == 0packet.c(bytes % 8) == 0packet.ccrc32 compensation attack: network attack detectedpacket_send: sending too big a packet: size %u, limit %u.Connection closed by remote host.Read from socket failed: %.100sProtocol error: expected packet type %d, got %dBad packet length %u.Junk data left to incoming packet buffer after all data processedlen == buffer_len(&incoming_packet)packet.cCorrupted check bytes on input.%.900sRemote: %.900sRemote: %.900spacket_disconnect called recursively.Local: %.100sWrite failed: %.100ssetsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE: %.100ssetsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE off: %.100ssetsockopt IPTOS_LOWDELAY: %.100ssetsockopt TCP_NODELAY: %.100ssetsockopt IPTOS_THROUGHPUT: %.100ssetsockopt TCP_NODELAY: %.100sEnabling compression at level %d.Bad compression level %d. outgoing: raw data %lu, compressed %lu, factor %.2fcompress incoming: raw data %lu, compressed %lu, factor %.2fbuffer_compress: deflate returned Z_STREAM_ENDbuffer_compress: deflate returned Z_STREAM_ERRORbuffer_compress: deflate returned Z_BUF_ERRORbuffer_compress: deflate returned %dbuffer_uncompress: inflate returned Z_STREAM_ENDbuffer_uncompress: inflate returned Z_DATA_ERRORbuffer_uncompress: inflate returned Z_STREAM_ERRORbuffer_uncompress: inflate returned Z_MEM_ERRORbuffer_uncompress: inflate returned %d@V4@V@U@U@V@U@Uxmalloc: out of memory (allocating %d bytes)xrealloc: NULL pointer given as argumentxrealloc: out of memory (new_size %d bytes)xfree: NULL pointer given as argumenttcgetattr: %.100scfsetispeed failed for %dcfsetospeed failed for %dIgnoring unsupported tty mode opcode %d (0x%x)parse_tty_modes: unknown opcode %dSetting tty modes failed: %.100s@X`@Xh@Xp@Xx@X@X@X@X@X@X@X@X@X@X@X@X@pP@fT@fp@f@f@f@f@f@g@g4@gP@gl@g@g@g@o@g@o@g@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@h@hL@h@h@h@i,@id@i@i@j @jD@j|@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@j@j@k$@k\@k@k@l@l<@lt@l@l@m @mX@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@m@m@n@n8@np@n@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@o@n@o@oP@oExpanding the array...Array now %d channels [first free at %d].Allocated channel %d of type %d.Internal bug in channel_allocate.channel >= 0 && channel < channels_alloc && channels[channel].type != SSH_CHANNEL_FREEnewchannels.cDiscarding termination of channel %d.Channel %d terminates.Channel %d sends ieof.Channel %d sends oclosed.Channel %d closes incoming data stream.Channel %d closes outgoing data stream.This is emulation.Received double input eof.Channel %d receives input eof.X problem fix: close the other direction.Received double close.Channel %d receives output closed.Received ieof for nonexistent channel %d.Received oclosed for nonexistent channel %d.Emulated close.Received emulated_close for nonexistent channel %d.Initial X11 packet contains bad byte order byte: 0x%xX11 connection uses different authentication protocol: '%.100s' vs. '%.*s'.X11 auth data does not match fake data.x11_fake_data_len == x11_saved_data_lennewchannels.cX11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication at %s. aRejected connection at %s: %.200s X11 connection requested.accept: %.100sX11 connection from %.200s port %dConnection to port %d forwarding to %.100s:%d requested.accept: %.100sport %d, connection from %.200s port %dConnection to agent proxy requested from unix domain socket.accept: %.100sForwarded agent connectionReceived data for nonexistent channel %d.Other party sent data after eof for channel %d.Received open confirmation for non-opening channel %d.Channel now open, status bits %xReceived open failure for non-opening channel %d.channel_still_open: bad channel type %dThe following connections are open: %.300s channel_still_open: bad channel type %dForward host name too long.socket: %.100s127.0.0.1bind: %.100slisten: %.100sport listenerRemote end denied port forwarding to %d:%.50s:%dProtocol error: expected packet type %d, got %dchannel_request_remote_forwarding: too many forwardsRequested forwarding hostname too long: %.200s.Requested forwarding of port %d but user is not root.Requested forwarding hostname too long: %.200s.unknown (remote did not supply name)Received request to connect to %.100s:%d, but the request was denied.%.100s: unknown host.%.100s: host has no IP address.socket: %.100sconnect %.100s:%d: %.100ssocket: %.100sbind port %d: %.100sFailed to allocate internet-domain X11 display socket.listen: %.100sgethostname: %.100s%.400s:%d.%dX11 inet listenerunknown (remote did not supply name)Received X11 open request.Warning: Server attempted X11 forwarding without client requestWarning: This is a probable break-in attempt (compromised server?)DISPLAYDISPLAY not set.unix:%dCould not parse display number from DISPLAY: %.100ssocket: %.100s/var/X%.80s/X%d/var/X/.X11-unix/tmp/.X11-unix%.80s/X%d/tmp/.X11-unix%.80s/X%d/tmp/.X11-unixconnect %.100s: %.100sCould not find ':' in DISPLAY: %.100s%dCould not parse display number from DISPLAY: %.100s%.100s: unknown host.%.100s: host has no IP address.socket: %.100sconnect %.100s:%d: %.100sSending open confirmation to the remote host.Failed...DISPLAY%2xx11_request_forwarding: bad authentication data: %.100s%02x/Protocol error: authentication forwarding requested twice./tmp/ssh-%.50sagent-socket-%d/tmp/ssh-%.50s/tmp/ssh-%.50sagent-socket-%d* Remote error: Invalid SSH_AGENT_SOCKET_DIR '%.100s', it should contain at least one /.* Remote error: Authentication fowarding disabled.* Remote error: Agent parent directory '%.100s' stat failed: %.100s* Remote error: Authentication fowarding disabled.* Remote error: stat of agent directory '%.100s' failed: %.100s* Remote error: Authentication fowarding disabled.* Remote error: Agent directory '%.100s' mkdir failed: %.100s* Remote error: Authentication fowarding disabled.* Remote error: Agent socket creation:Bad modes/owner for directory '%s' (modes are %o, should be 040700)* Remote error: Authentication fowarding disabled..* Remote error: stat '.' failed after chdir to '%.100s': %.100s* Remote error: Authentication fowarding disabled.* Remote error: Agent socket creation: wrong directory after chdir* Remote error: Authentication fowarding disabled...* Remote error: Agent socket directory stat '..' failed: %.100s* Remote error: Authentication fowarding disabled.* Remote error: Agent socket creation: Directory '%s/..' is not sticky, mode is %o, should be 041777* Remote error: Authentication forwarding disabled.* Remote error: Agent socket creation: wrong parent directory after chdir (last component of socket name is symlink?)* Remote error: Authentication fowarding disabled.Agent socket creation failed: %.100sAgent socket bind failed: %.100s.Agent socket directory chown failed: %.100sAgent socket listen failed: %.100s/tmp/ssh-%.50s/agent-socket-%dauth socketWarning: Server attempted agent forwarding without client requestWarning: This is a probable break-in attempt (compromised server?)Forwarding authentication connection.authentication agent connection@@ @ @@p@@@@@@ @0@H@X@0@@0@0@0@0@0@@@@@h@h@p@p@p@p@h@@p@p@p@@@0@0@0@0@@p%1x%2xoi == ((bits + 7) / 8)bufaux.c%02xReceived packet with bad string length %dSSH_AUTH_SOCKInvalid %s `%.100s', it should contain at least one /.SSH_AUTH_SOCKParent directory stat failed `%.100s'Cannot stat authentication socket directory %.100s.stat . failedWrong directory after chdirInvalid owner of authentication socket directory %.100sInvalid modes for authentication socket directory %.100sCannot find authentication socket %.100s/%.100sAuthentication socket `%.100s' is symlink%s-%dCannot make temporary authentication socket directory %.100sCannot stat newly created temporary authentication socket directory %.100s.Cannot stat . in newly created temporary authentication socket directory %.100sWrong directory after chdir..Cannot stat .. in newly created temporary authentication socket directory %.100sAgent parent directory is not sticky, mode is %o it should be 041777Wrong parent directory after chdir to temp directoryHard link to auth socket failedStat to hard link of authentication socket failedHard link and orignal socket are not sameSocket failed///Connection to authentication agent opened.No agent.write auth->fd: %.100sread auth->fd: %.100sAuthentication reply message too long: %d Incomplete authentication reply.Bad authentication reply message type: %dToo many identities in authentication reply: %d Compatibility with ssh protocol version 1.0 no longer supported.Error writing to authentication socket.Error reading response length from authentication socket.Authentication response too long: %dError reading response from authentication socket.Agent admitted failure to authenticate using the key.Bad authentication response: %dError writing to authentication socket.Error reading response length from authentication socket.Add identity response too long: %dError reading response from authentication socket.Bad response to add identity from authentication agent: %dError writing to authentication socket.Error reading response length from authentication socket.Remove identity response too long: %dError reading response from authentication socket.Bad response to remove identity from authentication agent: %dError writing to authentication socket.Error reading response length from authentication socket.Remove identity response too long: %dError reading response from authentication socket.Bad response to remove identity from authentication agent: %dSSH PRIVATE KEY FILE FORMAT 1.1 Write to key file %.200s failed: %.100sAuthentication file too big: %.200sRead from key file %.200s failed: %.100sSSH PRIVATE KEY FILE FORMAT 1.1 Bad key file %.200s.SSH PRIVATE KEY FILE FORMAT 1.1 SSH PRIVATE KEY FILE FORMAT 1.1 Bad key file %.200s.Authentication file too big: %.200sRead from key file %.200s failed: %.100sSSH PRIVATE KEY FILE FORMAT 1.1 Bad key file %.200s.SSH PRIVATE KEY FILE FORMAT 1.1 SSH PRIVATE KEY FILE FORMAT 1.1 Bad key file %.200s.Unsupported cipher %.100s used in key file %.200s.Bad passphrase supplied for key file %.200s.RSA key has too many bits for RSAREF to handle (max %d).RSAPublicEncrypt failedRSA key has too many bits for RSAREF to handle (max %d).RSAPrivateDecrypt failednoneideades3desused to be tssarcfourblowfishreservedcipher_name: bad cipher number: %dArcfour cipher is disabled in this host, using blowfish cipher insteadArcfour cipher is disabled in this host, using blowfish cipher insteadKey length %d is insufficient for IDEA.Key length %d is insufficient for 3DES.Key length %d is insufficient for Blowfishcipher_set_key: unknown cipher: %dcipher_encrypt: unknown cipher: %dcipher_decrypt: unknown cipher: %d        0 0 0  0 0  0 0  0           0  0 0 0 0  0  0  0          $$   $ $$$   $ $            $$   $ $$$   $ $                0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0                            ((  ((  ((  ((  ((  ((  ((  ((           """"    " " " "((((((((    """"( ( ( ( ("("("("                              A@@A@@A@@@@A@@@@A@@@@@A@AA@@@@@@@@@@@@A@@@A@A@@@@AA@@A@@@A@@A@@@@A@A@@A@AA@AA@@AA@@@AAA@A@A@A@A@                              @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                             (len & 7) == 0des.c(len & 7) == 0des.ckey_len > 0arcfour.cuserfile_packet_send: child has died: %suserfile_packet_send: child has died: %suserfile_read_raw: child has died: %suserfile_read_raw: received packet too long.userfile_read_raw: child has died: %suserfile_read_packet: unexpected packet type: got %d, expected %dpipe: %sfork: %sdup2 1dup2 0/bin/sh-cHOME=USER=HOME=PATH=LOGNAME=TZ=MAIL=SHELL=TERM=DISPLAY=PRINTER=XAUTHORITY=TERMCAP=/bin/shexecv /bin/sh failed: %suserfile_child_server: packet type %duserfile_init already calledpipe: %spipe: %sfork: %ssetgid: %sinitgroups: %ssetuid: %suserfile_open: using non-current uid but not initialized (uid=%d, path=%.50s)userfile_open: uid not current and not that of child: uid=%d, path=%.50suserfile_close: type %duserfile_fill: buffer not emptyuserfile_fill: got more than data than requesteduserfile_fill: type %duserfile_getc/fill erroruserfile_write: type %duserfile_lseek: type %duserfile_mkdir with uid %duserfile_mkdir with wrong uid %duserfile_stat with uid %duserfile_stat with wrong uid %duserfile_remove with uid %duserfile_remove with wrong uid %duserfile_popen: using non-current uid but not initialized (uid=%d)userfile_popen: uid not current and not that of child: uid=%duserfile_close: type %dA)8A0A*A0A*A0A+pA0A+A0A,A0A-DA0A-A0A.A0A/HA0A/ Received signal %d. AI,AI,AI,AI,AI,AI,AI,AI,AI,AI,(len & 7) == 0blowfish.c(len & 7) == 0blowfish.clen <= (SSH_MAXBLOCKS * SSH_BLOCKSIZE)deattack.clen % SSH_BLOCKSIZE == 0deattack.cInstalling crc compensation attack detector.Kerberos ticket authentication of user %s failed: %sKerberos krb5_auth_con_genaddrs (%s).Kerberos krb5_auth_con_genaddrs: %sKerberos ticket authentication of user %s failed: %sKerberos V5 rd_req failed (%s).Kerberos V5 krb5_rd_req: %sKerberos ticket authentication of user %s failed: %sKerberos krb5_unparse_name failed (%s).Kerberos krb5_unparse_name: %shost/host/Kerberos ticket authentication of user %s failed: invalid service name (%s)Kerberos invalid service name (%s).Kerberos invalid service name (%s).Kerberos ticket authentication of user %s failed: %sKerberos krb5_copy_principal failed (%s).Kerberos krb5_copy_principal: %sKerberos ticket authentication of user %s failed: %sKerberos krb5_mk_rep failed (%s).Kerberos krb5_mk_rep failed: %sKerberos V5 tgt rejected for user %.100sKerberos V5 tgt rejected for %.100ssshdKerberos V5 tgt rejected for user %.100s : %sKerberos V5 tgt rejected for %.100s : %sFILE:/tmp/krb5cc_p%d%sKerberos V5 tgt rejected for user %.100s :%sKerberos V5 tgt rejected for %.100s : %scannot allocate in gmpcannot allocate in gmp0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~v ??!;V<$? >܁Hs\& >Ѷ >`uۜ > >;V<$ > ;ྂ >Nm+L>ќ?>\0!P_>zWt;> ›&>>zuEqN>uf$}H>q 5Gf{3B>liLK@)>i"dkZn1<=>e,း̩>b^gBm>_V dg >\JQy>Yi@S>W[|Ib>U5=C>RɃ#tH>P+s@y>N4;A5e>L>JdL<ѳ>IGt\@c)>GVm+0>FѶ>DԘɬé>Cw>@m,2>Aѻ8y>@iV$ oz >?!I(T>=Y0b><6+sܠ>; lx>:u@ th>9c; FMP>8Z" +5>7Yx0 >6`:\>5o_ >4X93>3ti|>2(%Hl>1^M`+R>1>0T Ӏ+6>/c#m>.'5>.I* |>>-[[.Y<a~ȿ>,2WMEtl>+6, s>+P;'a?>*>*eE(A)>)iJ HA>(ΪPyF30T>(6VDzK>'u]99u_>'d-r`Gl>&kZ065>%csT>%n{ 0cJ>$CZJ<>$eq[UR>#! |>#fV?4>>"̬|Ӂ}>"q4h'eSga>!POX>!;V<$>!{i (T> _!> 1:Fb>I|>XB:;>j,!+t>#z> ^>u!,h>Y^ >/E!ߟ>VuoR>9T>>ցi>}>'PFف>vlt;>ven> 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distance symbolsinvalid bit length repeatBPBSBUBXB[pB^$BeNo errorClient's entry in database has expiredServer's entry in database has expiredRequested protocol version not supportedClient's key is encrypted in an old master keyServer's key is encrypted in an old master keyClient not found in Kerberos databaseServer not found in Kerberos databasePrincipal has multiple entries in Kerberos databaseClient or server has a null keyTicket is ineligible for postdatingRequested effective lifetime is negative or too shortKDC policy rejects requestKDC can't fulfill requested optionKDC has no support for encryption typeKDC has no support for checksum typeKDC has no support for padata typeKDC has no support for transited typeClients credentials have been revokedCredentials for server have been revokedTGT has been revokedClient not yet valid - try again laterServer not yet valid - try again laterPassword has expiredPreauthentication failedAdditional pre-authentication requiredRequested server and ticket don't matchKRB5 error code 27KRB5 error code 28KRB5 error code 29KRB5 error code 30Decrypt integrity check failedTicket expiredTicket not yet validRequest is a replayThe ticket isn't for usTicket/authenticator don't matchClock skew too greatIncorrect net addressProtocol version mismatchInvalid message typeMessage stream modifiedMessage out of orderIllegal cross-realm ticketKey version is not availableService key not availableMutual authentication failedIncorrect message directionAlternative authentication method requiredIncorrect sequence number in messageInappropriate type of checksum in messageKRB5 error code 51KRB5 error code 52KRB5 error code 53KRB5 error code 54KRB5 error code 55KRB5 error code 56KRB5 error code 57KRB5 error code 58KRB5 error code 59Generic error (see e-text)Field is too long for this implementationKRB5 error code 62KRB5 error code 63KRB5 error code 64KRB5 error code 65KRB5 error code 66KRB5 error code 67KRB5 error code 68KRB5 error code 69KRB5 error code 70KRB5 error code 71KRB5 error code 72KRB5 error code 73KRB5 error code 74KRB5 error code 75KRB5 error code 76KRB5 error code 77KRB5 error code 78KRB5 error code 79KRB5 error code 80KRB5 error code 81KRB5 error code 82KRB5 error code 83KRB5 error code 84KRB5 error code 85KRB5 error code 86KRB5 error code 87KRB5 error code 88KRB5 error code 89KRB5 error code 90KRB5 error code 91KRB5 error code 92KRB5 error code 93KRB5 error code 94KRB5 error code 95KRB5 error code 96KRB5 error code 97KRB5 error code 98KRB5 error code 99KRB5 error code 100KRB5 error code 101KRB5 error code 102KRB5 error code 103KRB5 error code 104KRB5 error code 105KRB5 error code 106KRB5 error code 107KRB5 error code 108KRB5 error code 109KRB5 error code 110KRB5 error code 111KRB5 error code 112KRB5 error code 113KRB5 error code 114KRB5 error code 115KRB5 error code 116KRB5 error code 117KRB5 error code 118KRB5 error code 119KRB5 error code 120KRB5 error code 121KRB5 error code 122KRB5 error code 123KRB5 error code 124KRB5 error code 125KRB5 error code 126KRB5 error code 127$Id: krb5_err.et,v 1997/01/21 09:30:23 ghudson Exp $Invalid flag for file lock modeCannot read passwordPassword mismatchPassword read interruptedIllegal character in component nameMalformed representation of principalCan't open/find Kerberos configuration fileImproper format of Kerberos configuration fileInsufficient space to return complete informationInvalid message type specified for encodingCredential cache name malformedUnknown credential cache typeMatching credential not foundEnd of credential cache reachedRequest did not supply a ticketWrong principal in requestTicket has invalid flag setRequested principal and ticket don't matchKDC reply did not match expectationsClock skew too great in KDC replyClient/server realm mismatch in initial ticket requestProgram lacks support for encryption typeProgram lacks support for key typeRequested encryption type not used in messageProgram lacks support for checksum typeCannot find KDC for requested realmKerberos service unknownCannot contact any KDC for requested realmNo local name found for principal nameMutual authentication failedReplay cache type is already registeredNo more memory to allocate (in replay cache code)Replay cache type is unknownGeneric unknown RC errorMessage is a replayReplay I/O operation failed XXXReplay cache type does not support non-volatile storageReplay cache name parse/format errorEnd-of-file on replay cache I/ONo more memory to allocate (in replay cache I/O code)Permission denied in replay cache codeI/O error in replay cache i/o codeGeneric unknown RC/IO errorInsufficient system space to store replay informationCan't open/find realm translation fileImproper format of realm translation fileCan't open/find lname translation databaseNo translation available for requested principalImproper format of translation database entryCryptosystem internal errorKey table name malformedUnknown Key table typeKey table entry not foundEnd of key table reachedCannot write to specified key tableError writing to key tableCannot find ticket for requested realmDES key has bad parityDES key is a weak keyBad encryption typeKey size is incompatible with encryption typeMessage size is incompatible with encryption typeCredentials cache type is already registered.Key table type is already registered.Credentials cache I/O operation failed XXXCredentials cache file permissions incorrectNo credentials cache file foundInternal file credentials cache errorError writing to credentials cache fileNo more memory to allocate (in credentials cache code)Bad format in credentials cacheInvalid KDC option combination (library internal error)Request missing second ticketNo credentials supplied to library routineBad sendauth version was sentBad application version was sent (via sendauth)Bad response (during sendauth exchange)Server rejected authentication (during sendauth exchange)Unsupported preauthentication typeRequired preauthentication key not suppliedGeneric preauthentication failureUnsupported replay cache format version numberUnsupported credentials cache format version numberUnsupported key table format version numberProgram lacks support for address typeMessage replay detection requires rcache parameterHostname cannot be canonicalizedCannot determine realm for hostConversion to service principal undefined for name typeInitial Ticket response appears to be Version 4 errorCannot resolve KDC for requested realmRequesting ticket can't get forwardable ticketsBad principal name while trying to forward credentialsLooping detected inside krb5_get_in_tktConfiguration file does not specify default realmBad SAM flags in obtain_sam_padataKeytab name too longKey version number for principal in key table is incorrectdesnulldes-cbc-crcdes-cbc-md4des-cbc-md5des3-cbc-shades-cbc-rawNullDES cbc mode with CRC-32DES cbc mode with RSA-MD4DES cbc mode with RSA-MD5DES-3 cbc mode with NIST-SHADES cbc mode rawnormalv4norealmonlyrealmspecialafs3Version 5Version 4Version 5 - No RealmVersion 5 - Realm OnlySpecialAFS version 3crc32md4md4-desdes-cbcmd5md5-desshahmac-shaCRC-32RSA-MD4RSA-MD4 with DES cbc modeDES cbc modeRSA-MD5RSA-MD5 with DES cbc modeNIST-SHAHMAC-SHA%y%m%d%H%M%S%y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S%y%m%d%H%M%H%M%S%H%M%T%R%x:%X%d-%b-%Y:%T%d-%b-%Y:%R%c%d %b %y %T%x %X%d/%m/%y %R%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d%d-%02d:%02d:%02d%dd%dh%dm%ds%d:%02d:%02d%dh%dm%ds%d:%02d%dh%dm%d%[d]%d%[h]%d%[m]%d%[s]daydays%d %s%d %s %02d:%02d:%02d%d:%02d:%02d%ckadminkadminrcmdhostdiscussdiscussrvdsrvrvdsrvsamplesampleolcolcpoppopsissisrfsrfsimapimapftpftpecatecatrealmsv4_instance_convert.rProgramming error in krb5_parse_name!libdefaultsdefault_realmProfile version 0.0Bad magic value in profile_nodeProfile section not foundProfile relation not foundAttempt to add a relation to node which is not a sectionA profile section header has a non-zero valueBad linked list in profile structuresBad group level in profile strcturesBad parent pointer in profile strcturesProfile section header not at top levelSyntax error in profile section headerSyntax error in profile relationExtra closing brace in profileMissing open brace in profileBad magic value in profile_tBad magic value in profile_section_tIteration through all top level section not supportedInvalid profile_section objectNo more sectionsBad nameset passed to query routineNo profile file open: [] : Challenge for Enigma Logic mechanismChallenge for Digital Pathways mechanismChallenge for Enhanced S/Key mechanismChallenge for Traditional S/Key mechanismChallenge for Security Dynamics mechanismPasscodeFFFFFFILE:/etc/krb5.keytabEnter password:Re-enter password for verification:realmsdefault_domainFILEANYSRVTABrrb+rb.%s:%sF F F F F rbFILEr%d:%drealmsauth_to_local_namesrealmsauth_to_localRULEDEFAULTcapaths krbtgtrealmskdckerberosudpkerberos-secudp$Id: kdb5_err.et,v 1996/09/12 04:44:51 ghudson Exp $Entry already exists in databaseDatabase store errorDatabase read errorInsufficient access to perform requested operationNo such entry in the databaseIllegal use of wildcardDatabase is locked or in use--try again laterDatabase was modified during readDatabase record is incomplete or corruptedAttempt to lock database twiceAttempt to unlock database when not lockedInvalid kdb lock modeDatabase has not been initializedDatabase has already been initializedBad direction for converting keysCannot find master key record in databaseMaster key does not match databaseKey size in database is invalidCannot find/read stored master keyStored master key is corruptedInsufficient access to lock databaseDatabase format errorUnsupported version in database entryUnsupported salt typeUnsupported encryption typerc_%03oKRB5RCACHETYPEdflKRB5RCACHENAMEdfldflKRB5RCACHEDIRTMPDIR/var/tmp/%s%skrb5_RC%d/aaa/G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G"G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G%G+G+$G+$G+$G*G+$G+$G+$G*G+$G+$G+$G+$G+$G+$G+ G+$G+$G+$G+$G+$G+$G+$G+$G+$G+$G+$G+$G+$G+(root) %s = '%s'%s [%s]%s %s = %s%s [%s]%s %s = {%s }%s KRB5_KTNAMElibdefaultsdefault_keytab_namehostdomain_realm_forw%s%.2xFILEFILEG\GPGtGtGtGtGtGtGhGtGhGtG\GhGtG\GhGtGtG\G\GhGtGtGtG\GtGtGtG\/tmp/tktXXXXXXw0a, Qmpjc5dۈ2yܸو L+~|-dj qHA}mԵQӅlVdkbze\Ocl=c ;n Li^`Agqr<KG k5Blۻ֬@2lE\u ϫ=Y&0Q:Qa!V#Ϻ(_ ٲ $/o|XhLaf-=vAq *q3xɢ4 j m=-dlc\kkQlabe0bNl{WeP|b-I|LeMaX:QΣtԻ0JߥA=ؕפmCij4ngF`D-s3 L_ |Pq<'A  Wh% of a^)ɘИ"רY=. \;l  tҚG9w&sc d; mj>zjZ '}DhibW]egl6qnkv+zZgJoC`֣ѓ~8ORѻgWg?H6K +گ L6JAz``ègU1nFiyaf%oҠRh6 w G"U&/ź; (+Z\j1,ٞ[ޮd°c&ujm 6?rgWJz{+ 8Ҏվ | !Bhݳڃn&[owGwZjpf; \ebiaklE x NT9§g&a`IiGM>nwۮjJZ@ f7;𩼮S޻G0齽ʺŠS0$6TW)#gfz.aJ]h*o+ 7 Z-#~kerberos $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $                                          $ $ 040 4 $ $ 0 4 0 4 $ $ 040 4   $  $  0 4 0  4                  ""  ""  ""  ""  ""  ""  ""  ""        $$$$$$$$        $$$$$$$$                0 0 0 0 0  0 0   0  0 0 0 0  0  0  0   0 HHHHHHlHX!   !!    !!! !!! !  ! !!!! !   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