Labor Aerospace Research Agenda MIT
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MIT Labor Aerospace Research Agenda
Global Mapping Project
Case Studies Articles and Working Papers

The Global Mapping Project is designed to educate our target aerospace audience on the global challenges facing the industry. The industry is increasingly global -- through ownership, production offsets, and other suppler relationships. The global mapping project will be a visual focus to help begin constructive dialogue.

The project will include:

  • a map of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) supplier relationships by program;
  • a map of prime, first tier and second tier relationships organized by domestic and international sales of aerospace products, over time.

We are working to illustrate what might be done with these descriptive data, and to create a proto-type analytic tool. Ideally, this tool could be used to provide alternative views of supplier relationships along different dimensions, including: import and export flows, offsets and outsourcing, knowledge diffusion and labor markets.

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