Production Details for
"one-eighty over one-twenty"

"one-eighty over one-twenty" was first performed at the ADC Theatre, Cambridge on the 28th-31st January, 1998. The production company was called "The Internal Demons of Connor and O'Donnell".

Production Team

Writer, Performer, Director Chris Connor
Writer, Performer, Artwork Phil O'Donnell
Stage Manager, Producer Alexis Meech
Lighting Designer Eddy Langley
Sound Designer Tom Steer
Assistant Stage Manager Steve John
Front of House Anne Smart
Additional Voices Alex Bonham
Additional Material James Casey & Toby Wiseman

Set and Lighting Design

The set for the show can be thought of as splitting the stage into front and back areas. The front area is the forestage, and the back area is any space we have available after the main show has deployed its set. We screen off the mainshow set by dropping a grey curtain.

The front area of the set is empty, and is lit with a normal white wash (if lighting permits). The back area of the set contains the room set, which is just two chairs, a table and two stools arranged symmetrically plus a piano (the ADC grand piano is available) on stage-right (audience-left). The room set is lit using a warmer wash to indicate that it's an interior. Note that it's not too critical if the lighting does not conform perfectly, but it would be good to see some distinction in the lighting between the front and back areas.

The only other item of lighting required is a white follow-spot which is operated from the lighting box. In the first production we replaced several of the follow-spot cues with fixed spotlights.

Sound Design

The sound takes the form of musical bursts between sketches, where necessary, and specific incidental music as marked in the script. We will also be using recorded segments of speech and ordinary microphones.

Scene Synopsis

  1. Opening Piece
  2. Open University Pants Shop
  3. Examines letters/News Fight
  4. Kasparov & Short in a pub
  5. (v/o) Pants of Armageddon
  6. Bank letters
  7. Open Banking Relationship
  8. Aerobics Bean Trap
  9. (v/o) RaveClassiken
  10. Watching Yoga
  11. Aerobics
  12. Countdown Disco Drugs
  13. (v/o) Drug Awareness
  14. Swearing Philosophers
  15. Home management, Bear Fight and Dead Tortoises
  16. Captain Tobs Connor
  17. Arse bandits at 6 o'clock
  1. (v/o) Plato and the Jet Set
  2. Biscuits (1)
  3. Boris The Inquisitor
  4. Biscuits (2)
  5. Phil's Body Language
  6. Dr. Similarity Freud
  7. (v/o) Household Management
  8. Slapstick Jesus
  9. Chris! I'm a ninja!
  10. Knightmare/Gallery
  11. (v/o) Newly wed wives
  12. Phone break-up
  13. Ebola Virus Song
  14. Cryptic Crosswords
  15. (v/o) Airport Boarding
  16. Smuggling faeces
  17. Hijack Finale

Props Disbursement

Chris wears: Black coat over pants shop shirt over T-shirt. Biscuits in coat pocket.
Phil wears: Dressing gown over pants shop shirt over T-shirt. Beard

Stage Left Stage Right On Set
  • Plastic glove
  • Chocolate Bar
  • Shop sign
  • Cigarettes/Lighter
  • Togas
  • Beards
  • RAF costume
  • Gallery pictures
  • Psychiatrist costume
  • Phone
  • Aerobics costume
  • Inquisitor costume
  • Balaclava
  • Chaise Longue
  • Letters
  • Newspapers
  • Wrapped book
  • Teddy bear
  • Crucifix Plank
  • Stanley Knife
  • Beans/string device
  • Remote control
  • Bin w/ horns attached
  • Further beans