one-eighty over one-twenty


a comedy by chris connor and phil o'donnell

Can you live in a world inhabited by tropical diseases?
Can you live in a world ruled by terror?
Can you live in a world where nuclear winter is the thickness of a pair of pants away?

Chris and Phil can. They're getting by. They share the same space, the same imagination and the same dangerously high blood pressure. Sure there's big conflicts, but it's the strain of fractions, banking and the risk of hollow tortoises that's slowly killing them. After all, a huge disaster a long way away is still smaller than a tiny trauma right here.

The answer lies in a pile of books Phil's granny gave them.

One-eighty over one-twenty is a comedy built on a sound foundation of light-headedness and delirium, for all of us who still sweat the small stuff.

Chris Connor has written and performed in places as far apart as Cambridge and Los Angeles, and still wants to be a spaceman after all these years. Phil O'Donnell has written and performed in places as far apart as Cambridge and Saffron Walden, and dreams of making the perfect portion of beans on toast. They had a two week run on TV this year when they sat behind the contestants on Mastermind.