Banking Relationship Sketch

Original Script: Chris Connor
Edited by: Phil O'Donnell

Chris Connor as Customer, and anyone else female as Teller and Teller2 as appropriate.

<;Opens with Teller and Customer to stage right>
Teller And I see that you've been with our bank for four weeks now, so this will be your first statement. I hope you're satisfied with our service so far.

Customer Yes, yes, <;hestitancy>, fine.


Teller Is there something else?


Customer Yes, there is. I want you to know that I believe in having an open banking relationship - what I means to say is that you're not the only financial institution I'm involved with at the moment - there are a couple of other banks I see on a fairly regular basis.

Teller Oh. I see. Is there anything else I should know?

Customer Well, there are a handful of building societies and credit unions that I'm fairly close to, and we might conduct the occasional transaction... But that's purely on a casual basis, only if the opportunity arises and we're both in a fiscal mood.

Teller But why didn't you say anything about this when you opened the account? Why didn't you say anything before now?

Customer Now, hang on, I haven't lied to you, have I? I never told you that I wasn't depositing somewhere else just because I opened an account with you - and, frankly, I don't like the way you've made assumptions about the way I conduct my financial affairs.

Teller Oh... ok... I'm sorry... I'll have to see if we can accommodate this.

Customer I'll just be across the street.

<;Mime exiting bank and entering another bank across the stage where Teller2 is sitting. Meanwhile Teller is a little distressed and sorting through paperwork. Customer and Teller2 are quite obviously flirting outrageously in a banking style. (Customer probably does something out-of-context erotic like ripping a cheque out of the chequebook using teeth). Teller looks up and comes storming across stage...>

(to Customer)
Don't bank with her, she doesn't offer the same range of services I do.

Customer I'm sorry, but you just don't extend my credit line these days.

Teller2 Maybe you can offer a more personal service, but you can't dominate the economies of third world countries like I can.

Teller Oh... would you like a merger?

Customer Does this mean I get to bank with you both at the same time?

Teller and Teller2 No!
<;and walk off leaving Customer on stage>

<;end sketch>