Function - Allocate a port with specified "quality of service."
kern_return_t mach_port_allocate_qos (ipc_space_t task, mach_port_right_t right, mach_port_qos_t qos, mach_port_name_t* name);
The mach_port_allocate_qos function allocates a port with caller-specified "quality of service" characteristics with or without a caller-specified name; in other words, the caller may specify a desired name or it may let the kernel generate the name. The new port is capable of supporting full Mach port semantics (i.e no-more-senders notification can be requested on the port).
This interface is machine word length specific because of the port name parameter.
Functions: mach_port_allocate, mach_port_allocate_full, mach_port_allocate_name, mach_port_deallocate, mach_port_insert_right, mach_port_extract_right.
Structures: mach_port_qos.