2 B. J. Gerovac and D. C. Carver, Local Access to the Information Infrastructure, CIC America in the Age of Information, July 1995.
3 <<Continental, @Home, and others>>
4 1 million homes is roughly 1% US market share which is a well known and sought after hurdle in consumer electronics deployment models.
5 <<footnote pres Lucent near time of workshop>>
6 JTEC, "Optoelectronics in Japan and the United States", study panel, February 1996.
7 The "1,3 Rule" corresponds approximately to a 10n/2 exponential progression.
8 "Money, Money, Money -- Let's Do a Deal", panel session, NCTA Cable `96 Conference, 30 April 1996.
9 see "Quality of Service", B. J. Gerovac and D. C. Carver, Local Access to the Information Infrastructure, CIC America in the Age of Information, July 1995.
10 California Public Utility Commission is allowing 85% of the upgrade cost to go into the rate base and requiring only 15% from new investments.
11 Kim Maxwell, Chairman ADSL Forum, a technical presentation on ADSL at the FCC, 9 September 1996.