A Software-Oriented Approach to the Design of Media Processing Environments

D. L. Tennenhouse, J. Adam, D. C. Carver, H. Houh, M. Ismert, C. Lindblad, W. Stasior, D. Weatherall, D. Bacher, and T. Chang

Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, pp. 435-444, May 1994.

The ViewStation system embodies a software-oriented approach to the support of interactive media-based applications. Starting from the premise that the raw media data, e.g., the video pixels themselves, must eventually be made accessible to the application, we have derived a set of architectural guidelines for the design of media processing environments. The resultant ViewStation system, as described in this paper, consists of the VuSystem, a complete media programming environment, and the VuNet, a substrate for the acquisition, communication and rendering of video and closed caption text.

We describe a set of computer-participative applications that demonstrate the present day viability of applications that participate in, i.e., actively process, the flow of media-based information. Early performance results illustrate the affordability and benefits of our software-oriented approach.

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