VIII: Adaptations
The general rule for military operations is that the military leadership
receives the order from the civilian leadership to gather armies.
Let there be no encampment on difficult terrain. Let diplomatic relations be established at borders. Do not stay in barren or isolated territory.
When on surrounded ground, plot. When on deadly ground, fight.
There are routes not to be followed, armies not to be attacked, citadels not to be besieged, territory not to be fought over, orders of civilian governments not to be obeyed.
Therefore generals who know all possible adaptations to take advantage of the ground know how to use military forces. If generals do not know how to adapt advantageously, even if they know the lay of the land they cannot take advantage of it.
If they rule armies without knowing the arts of complete adaptivity, even
if they know what there is to gain, they cannot get people to work for
Therefore the considerations of the intelligent always include both benefit
and harm. As they consider benefit, their work can expand; as they
consider harm, their troubles can be resolved.
Therefore what restrains competitors is harm, what keeps competitors busy
is work, what motivates competitors is profit.
So the rule of military operations is not to count on opponents not coming,
but to rely on having ways of dealing with them; not to count on opponents
not attacking, but to rely on having what cannot be attacked.
Therefore, there are five traits that are dangerous in generals. Those who
are ready to die can be killed; those who are intent on living can be
captured; those who are quick to anger can be shamed; those who are
puritanical can be disgraced; those who love people can be troubled.
These five things are faults in generals, disasters for military