MITThe Dean's Gallery

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Doug Bosch:
Material Shape

September 15, 1999 - November 4, 1999

Curated by Michelle Fiorenza

The Universe is Material and it defies any effort to be contained. The viscous and fluid nature of the universe exerts considerable influence over the evolution and arrangement of my work and is often my model for construction. Frequently, the greatest unifying element in my work is its effort to resist a clear definition of edges, where each work is whole in its presence while suggesting something larger than itself, as any single view of the night sky would. As an artist I am ever aware of my role as a manipulator of matter. Matter represents a universal language since all matter is composed of the same atoms in varying quantities. It is the medium by which I navigate through the world and experience it most sensually. Aware of my ability to affect matter, I acknowledge my place in the physical universe. By making work to allude to forms and experiences just beyond its edges I am also conversing with the infinite condition of the cosmos.

MATERIAL SHAPE represents several veins of work which have been in progress simultaneously since 1997. A common thread throughout the exhibition is the union between creating a record of activity and capturing certain material properties. Materiality ignites me: I bring myself to a material and it meets me with as much purpose, in a sense, atoms acknowledging one another. The universal reality and fundamental presence of matter are often near the core of my work. With this work I have intended to create visual experiences comprised of distantly familiar forms and images that refer only indirectly to particular known things. This allows the work to be more about its constituent materials and processes than anything else to which it may be similar.

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