

Welcome to my home page at MIT.

I'm a former electronic publishing consultant for Web Communications Services. I used to help the MIT community understand how to publish on the Web and make the best use of a constantly changing and often confusing medium.

Now I'm a principal in Nimble Partners, a strategic communication design firm. We design for change – growing businesses, shifting strategies, multiple user needs. We create communication frameworks that remain useful even as your organization and audiences evolve.

If you're looking for my documents about optimizing graphics for the web, I've taken down all the pages on this site except for this one. My documents were written quite a long time ago, and only limited portions are still relevant. Even the personal information pages were far enough out of date that I felt they needed to be removed. As time permits, I may revise and repost them ... but don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.

Need to contact me? Try debby at

Note: If you got here from Boring Boring, we hope you enjoyed the site. Or found it suitably boring, anyway.