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Operated Vehicle Technology Jim Newman on the development of ROV technology: Remotely Operated Vehicle - a neutrally buoyant, thruster-controlled, cabled underwater vehicle that carries no people. Early manned vehicles included: - Trieste - a submersible from the 1960s that controlled buoyancy via a large bladder filled with aviation fuel - Alvin - 1964, stainless steel sphere (later titanium sphere) to house crew of three, buoyancy provided with syntactic foam ROVs - 1960s-70s carried small video cameras. An example is the US Navy's CURV, a salvage ROV that played a role in the recovery of a hydrogen bomb lost off Palomares, Spain. Technologies to consider in ROV building: ROV cables can be either soft tethers, nowadays kevlar-wrapped and neutrally buoyant, or armored with steel. Easy technologies to incorporate include
Higher technologies include
Some starting points for an archaeological ROV include a vehicle such as the MaxRover, and technologies developed on the Jason ROV at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. These systems are more expensive than technologies usually employed in archaeology. For instance, a 1000 meter capable MaxRover vehicle with cable and winch system costs in the neighborhood of $250,000. Assumptions for the vehicle under development:
Likely enhancements include:
Possible enhancements include:
The ROV will be a sensor platform. Perhaps other sensing technologies could be brought to bear on underwater archaeological sites. Optical and acoustic systems are already planned. Justin Manley, MIT Sea Grant, ventures that florescence or some other techniques not yet considered may prove useful for archaeological investigations.