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At Aberdeen the thirtyfirst day of July one [thousand] seven hundred & fourty six years. In presence of George Turner Esqr. Commissary Depute of Aberdeeen Compeared Anna Cockburn Relict of and Executrix Dative Confirmed to the deceased David Saunders sometime Appothecary in Banff upon the twenty second day of December one thousand seven hundred & ninteen years, And, under the Protestations contained in the Title of the Inventory formerly given up and Confirmed upon by her, Added, Eiked and Conjoined to the sums of money therein contained, The particular sums of money after specified, Due to the said Defunct in manner after Expressed Vizt. The principall sum of Two Thousand merks scots money and a[nnual]rent thereof resting and owing since the Term of Whitsunday Jajvij C and Twenty years [i.e. 1720] (being the first Term after the decease of Umqll. Robert Saunders sometime Provest of Banff who died in the Month of Aprile Jajvij C and Twenty years) With the sum of Five hundred merks scots money of penalty by reason of Taillie, All contained in a Disposition Granted by the deceast Robert Saunders sometime Provest of Banff, with consent of Jean Stewart his Spouse, To and infavour of Robert Saunders (now Writer in Edinburgh) his Eldest lawfull son, bearing date the Eighteenth of November Jajvij C and one years [i.e. 1701] and registred in the books of Councill and Session upon the [blank] day of [blank] Jajvij C and [blank] years, Of the Lands of Cluny and others Therein mentioned. By which Disposition It is Expressly Provided and Declared That the said Robert Saunders by his Acceptation thereof was and should be bound to pay to the said deceast David Saunders his brother German (As the portion natural allocate to him by the said deceast Robert Saunders his Father, And in satisfaction of all the said deceast David Saunders could crave by and through his said Father's decease) The forsaid sum of Two Thousand merks. And that at the first term of Whitsunday or Martinmass immediately following the said Umqll. Robert Saunders his decease, Wit[h] the forsaid sum of Five hundred merks money forsaid in [case?] of taillie, Together with the ordinary a[nnualrent] of the said pr[incipall] during the not payment of the same. Likeas The Commissary forsaid Accepted of the said Eik, And Interponed his Authority thereto, under the Protesations contained in the said principall confirmed Testament, which are holden as repeated herein And Gave full power, Warrant & Commission to the said Anna Cockburn Executrix forsaid To meddle and intromitt with the sums of money above Eiked, And to pursue for the same Reserving always Just Compt & Reckoning To be made by her of the same To all persons having Interest as accords of the Law, And Received James Saunders Surgeon in Banff Cautioner for that Effect conform to a Bond of Cautionrie Granted by him thereanent upon a paper a part bearing date the Twenty first day of July current.
Eighteen pound Court
Geo: Turner
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content last revised 12 Nov 2004