Digital Apollo: Human and Machine in Spaceflight

by David A. Mindell



Chapter 11: Human, Machine and the Future off Spaceflight

"Who is really flying the plane?" Independent on Sunday, June 23, 1991.

Arnst, Catherine, "Move to automated cockpits pits pilots against technology," Reuters News, January 27, 1992.

Roughton, Bert. ‘‘Jets with byte stuff hovering on horizon for airline industry.’’ Atlanta Journal
and Constitution
(December 11, 1988): A1.

Garriott, Owen K., "Role of the Scientist-Astronaut," SETP Proceedings.

Herbert, H. Josef, "Enthusiasm for glass cockpits not universal," Associated Press, January 25, 1985.

Hughes, David, "Pilots react to the automated cockpit: Glass cockpit study reveals human factors problems," Aviation Week and Space Technology, August 7, 1989.

Manningham, Dan, "The cockpit: A brief history," Business and Commercial Aviation, June 1, 1997.

Swigert, John L., "Current Status of the Space Shuttle," SETP Proceedings.

Tomayko, James, Computers Take Flight: A History of NASA's Digital Fly-by-Wire Project.