Dara J. O'Rourke, Ph.D.

Mitsui Career Development Assistant Professor

Environmental Policy Group

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Department of Urban Studies and Planning                                                                                            Tel: 617-253-5196

77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 9-328                                                                                                   Fax: 617-253-7402

Cambridge, MA 02139                                                                                                                            email: dorourke@mit.edu


Research and Teaching Interests


Research the environmental, social, and equity impacts of global production systems and new strategies of democratic governance. Research political economy and policy aspects of global supply chains, from resource extraction, to manufacturing, to use and disposal. Interested in governmental and non-governmental strategies for monitoring and accountability over production systems. Evaluate models of public participation in environmental and labor policy issues and innovative regulatory strategies. Teach courses on environmental policy and regulation, industrial ecology, and environmental justice.




University of California at Berkeley                                                                                                                            Berkeley, CA

Ph.D. in the Energy and Resources Program                                                                                                December 1999


University of California at Berkeley                                                                                                                            Berkeley, CA

Master of Science in the Energy and Resources Program                                                                                May 1995


Massachusetts Institute of Technology                                                                                                              Cambridge, MA

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Political Science                                                    June 1989


Fellowships, Honors, and Awards      


2001-03                Mitsui Career Development Professorship, M.I.T.

1998-99                Switzer Environmental Fellowship

1998-99                Simpson Memorial Research Fellowship

1998                        Voted One of the ³Male Sports Figures of 1997² by the Village Voice

1995                        Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship (Vietnamese)

1994-98                National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship

1989                        Pi Tau Sigma National Mechanical Engineering Honor Society

1988                        John Burchard Humanities Scholar, M.I.T.




Fung, Archon, Dara O¹Rourke, and Charles Sabel (2001), Can We Put an End To Sweatshops?, Boston: Beacon Press.


O¹Rourke, Dara (under contract), Community-Driven Regulation: New Strategies for Balancing Development and the Environment in Vietnam, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 


Publications ­ Refereed


O¹Rourke, Dara (under review), ³Outsourcing Regulation: Analyzing Non-Governmental Systems of Labor Standards and Monitoring,² Policy Studies Journal.


O¹Rourke, Dara and Eungkyoon Lee (under review), ³Mandatory Planning for Environmental Innovation,² Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.


O¹Rourke, Dara and Gregg Macey (under review), ³Community Environmental Policing: Assessing New Strategies of Public Participation in Environmental Regulation,² Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.


O¹Rourke, Dara (forthcoming 2002), ³Motivating a Conflicted Environmental State: Community Driven Regulation in Vietnam,² in A.P.J. Mol and F.H. Buttel (eds.) The Environmental State Under Pressure, Social Problems and Public Policies Series, Amsterdam: Elsevier.


O¹Rourke, Dara (forthcoming 2002), ³Monitoring the Monitors: A Critique of Corporate Third-Party Labor Monitoring,² in Rhys Jenkins, Ruth Pearson and Gill Seyfang (eds.) Corporate Responsibility and Ethical Trade: Codes of Conduct in the Global Economy, London: Earthscan.


O¹Rourke, Dara (2001), ³Community-Driven Regulation: Towards an Improved Model of Environmental Regulation in Vietnam,² in Peter B. Evans (ed.), Livable Cities: The Politics of Urban Livelihood and Sustainability, Berkeley: University of California Press.


Sabel, Charles, Dara O¹Rourke and Archon Fung (2001), ³Quale volano per gli standard internazionali di protezione sociale? Proposta per un progressivo miglioramento delle condizioni di lavoro nell¹economia globalizzata,² Il diritto del Mercato Del Lavoro, n.1, 2001, pp: 85-121.


Sabel, Charles, Dara O¹Rourke and Archon Fung (2000), ³Ratcheting Labor Standards: Regulation for Continuous Improvement in the Global Workplace,² Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, Social Protection Discussion Paper No. 0011.


Fung, Archon and Dara O¹Rourke, (2000) ³Reinventing Environmental Regulation from the Grassroots Up: Explaining and Expanding the Success of the Toxics Release Inventory,² Environmental Management, vol. 25, no. 2, pp.:115-127.


O¹Rourke, Dara, Lloyd Connelly, and C.P. Koshland, (1996) ³Industrial Ecology: A Critical Review,² International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 6, Nos. 2/3, pp. 89-112.


Sikor, Thomas O. and Dara O¹Rourke, (1996) ³Economic and Environmental Dynamics of Reform in Vietnam,² Asian Survey, Berkeley CA, Vol. XXXVI, No. 6, June, pp. 601-617.


O¹Rourke, Dara, (1995) ³Economics, Environment and Equity: Policy Integration During Development in Vietnam,² Berkeley Planning Journal, Vol. 10, pp. 15-35.


Publications ­ Non-refereed


O¹Rourke, Dara (2002), ³The Implementation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the Functioning of National Contact Points,² Discussion Paper for the OECD Meeting of the Trade Union Advisory Committee, Paris, June 17th, 2002.


Brown, Garrett, Dara O¹Rourke, and Betty Szudy (2002), ³China Capacity Building Project on Occupational Health and Safety,² May 29, 2002, report available at: http://www.igc.org/mhssn/


O¹Rourke, Dara (2001), ³Sweatshops 101: Lessons in Monitoring Apparel Production Around the World,² Dollars and Sense, cover article, September/October.


O¹Rourke, Dara (2001), ³Sweatshops 101,² in (eds.) Ellen Frank, John Miller, Alejandro Reuss, and the Dollars & Sense Collective, Real World Macro, Cambridge: Economic Affairs Bureau, 2001.


O'Rourke, Dara, (2001), ³To fix sweatshop conditions in factories, we must listen to workers,² The Boston Globe, Op-ed page, February 27th, 2001.


Fung, Archon, Dara O¹Rourke, and Chuck Sabel (2001), ³Realizing Labor Standards,² The Boston Review, New Democracy Forum, February, 2001.


O¹Rourke, Dara (2000), ³Monitoring the Monitors: A Critique of PricewaterhouseCooper's Labor Monitoring,² white paper, released Sept. 28, 2000, available at web.mit.edu/dorourke/www/


Business for Social Responsibility, Investor Responsibility Research Center, and Dara O¹Rourke (2000), ³Independent University Initiative Final Report,² San Francisco, CA.


Sabel, Charles, Dara O¹Rourke, and Archon Fung, (2000) ³Ratcheting Labor Standards: How Open Competition Can Save Ethical Sourcing,² in (ed.) R. Thamotheram, Visions of Ethical Sourcing, London: Financial Times Prentice Hall.


O¹Rourke, Dara and Garrett Brown (1999), ³Beginning to Just Do It: Current Workplace and Environmental Conditions at the Tae Kwang Vina Nike Shoe Factory in Vietnam,² report released March 14, 1999, available at: www.globalexchange.org/economy/corporations/nike/vt.html


O¹Rourke, Dara (1998), ³Vietnam¹s Reforms and Economic Growth,² by Charles Harvie and Tran Van Hoa, book review, Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies.


O¹Rourke, Dara, (1997) Smoke from a Hired Gun: A Critique of Nike¹s Labor and Environmental Auditing in Vietnam as Performed by Ernst & Young, report published by the Transnational Resource and Action Center: San Francisco, November 10th, available on the Internet at: www.corpwatch.org/trac/nike/ernst/


Karliner, Joshua, Alba Morales, and Dara O¹Rourke, (1997) ³The Barons of Bromide: The Corporate Forces Behind Toxic Poisoning and Ozone Depletion,² The Ecologist, Vol. 27, No. 3, May/June, pp. 90-98.


O¹Rourke, Dara, (1996) ³Is Sustainable Development Sustainable?² Boston Book Review, Cambridge, MA, July/August.


Fung, Archon, Penn Loh, and Dara O'Rourke, (1996) ³Out of the Darkness: A Response to Richard Flacks¹ ŒReflections on Strategy in a Dark Time,¹² Boston Review. Vol. 21, No. 1, Feb/March: 10.


O¹Rourke, Dara, et al., (1995) ³Environment and Industrial Renovation in Vietnam: A Report from Vinh Phu Province,² Institute of International Studies Working Paper, Berkeley, CA:IIS.


Sikor, Thomas O. and Dara O¹Rourke, (1995) ³A Tiger in Search of a New Path: The Economic and Environmental Dynamics of Reform in Viet Nam,² Vietnam's Socio-Economic Development Hanoi, No. 4, Winter, 1995, pp. 35-52.


O¹Rourke, Dara, (1993) ³Worker Health Hazards at Seagate,² Multinational Monitor, Washington, D.C., November.


O¹Rourke, Dara, (1992) ³Alternatives to Ozone Depleting Substances in Solvent Cleaning,² Greenpeace International, Washington, D.C., June.


O¹Rourke, Dara, (1992) ³Green Tide - Bagging Honduras,² Z Magazine, Boston, MA,  March.


O¹Rourke, Dara, (1991) ³Conservation and Recycling Practices for CFC-113 and Methyl Chloroform,² U.S. EPA, June.


Conference Papers and Invited Lectures


O¹Rourke, Dara (2002), ³Business, Labor and Globalization: A Strategic Approach,² World Economic Forum, New York, Jan. 31-Feb. 4th, 2002.


O¹Rourke, Dara (2002), ³Codes and Monitoring in Global Supply Chains,² paper presented at the Rockefeller Conference on Codes, Monitoring and Worker Organizing, Puebla, Mexico, Feb. 7-9.


O¹Rourke, Dara (2001), ³Collaborative Regulation,² paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning annual conference, Cleveland, OH, Nov. 10th 2001.


O¹Rourke, Dara (2001), ³From Codes to Compliance: The Challenges and Opportunities for Monitoring and Verification,² EU Conference on Codes and Monitoring, Brussels, Oct. 3rd, 2001.


O¹Rourke, Dara (2001), ³Towards Livable Cities in Vietnam,² paper presented at the American Sociological Association, Anaheim, CA, August 18, 2001.


O¹Rourke, Dara (2001), ³Enforcing Health and Safety Standards in US Suppliers Abroad,² 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting, Universities Occupational Safety and Health Educational Resource Center, New York, April 6, 2001.


O¹Rourke, Dara (2001), ³Globalization, Sweatshops & Monitoring: New Strategies for Regulating Multinational Firms,² presented to the World Bank, March 21, 2001.


O¹Rourke, Dara (2001), ³Are Free Trade and Corporate Voluntarism Enough?² 2001 Asia Business Conference, Harvard Business School, Feb. 3rd, 2001


O¹Rourke, Dara (2001), ³Ratcheting Standards: New Regulatory Strategies for the Global Workplace,² Greening of Industry Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, Jan. 21st, 2001.


O¹Rourke, Dara (2000), ³Community-Driven Regulation: The Political Economy of Development and the Environment in Vietnam,² American Collegiate Schools of Planning, Nov. 4th, 2000.


O¹Rourke, Dara (2000), ³Democratizing Environmental Regulation: Community Participation in Pollution Regulation in Vietnam,² Policy Briefing, American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., August 14, 2000.


O¹Rourke, Dara (2000), ³Global Monitoring of Global Production: Nike and the Transnational Movement for Social and Environmental Justice,² presentation at the conference Towards Sustainability: Social and Environmental  Justice, Tufts University, June 1st, 2000.


O¹Rourke, Dara (2000), ³Global Production and Environmental Justice,² Working Group on Environmental Justice, Harvard University, April 18th, 2000.


O¹Rourke, Dara and Archon Fung (2000), ³Ratcheting Labor Standards: Regulation for Continuous Improvement in the Global Workplace,² Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies (SPURS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, March 14, 2000.


O¹Rourke, Dara and Archon Fung (2000), ³Ratcheting Labor Standards: Regulation for Continuous Improvement in the Global Workplace,² Hauser Center on Nonprofits, Harvard University, February 25, 2000.


O¹Rourke, Dara, (1999), ³Motivating a Conflicted Environmental State,² paper presented at the Conference on The Environmental State Under Pressure: The Issues and the Research Agenda, Sponsored by the Environment and Society Research Committee (RC 24), International Sociological Association, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, August 6, 1999. 


O¹Rourke, Dara (1998),³The Challenge of Independent Monitoring,² University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 16, 1998.


O¹Rourke, Dara (1998), ³Nike¹s Labor Practices and the Need for Independent Monitoring,² paper presented at the 2nd Annual Labor in the Global Economy Conference: Human Rights and Labor Solidarity, UC Berkeley, January 29-30, 1998


O¹Rourke, Dara (1997) ³From Here to ISO 14000: The Challenges of Transforming Environmental Management in Asia,² presentation as a panel chair at the 6th International Conference of the Greening of Industry Network, Santa Barbara, CA, November 18, 1997.


O¹Rourke, Dara (1997) ³Economic Incentives and the Environment,² presentations at the UNIDO workshops on Industrial Pollution Reduction in Vietnam, Bien Hoa - October 10 and Viet Tri - October 14, 1997.


O¹Rourke, Dara, (1996) ³Global Production, Local Environments, and Industrial Ecology,² paper presented at the Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, December 5, 1996. 




³Environment and Society: Managing the Environmental and Social Impacts of Industrial Society² Undergraduate Course, syllabus available: web.mit.edu/11.122/www/


³Environmental Policy and Regulation² Graduate Course, team taught.


³Environmental Justice: Race, Poverty, Environment, and Regulation² Graduate Course, syllabus available: web.mit.edu/11.368/www/


³Technology, Industry, and Ecology: Transforming Industry Through Policy, Planning, and Design² Graduate Course, syllabus available: web.mit.edu/11.369/www/


Professional Experience and Consulting


National Environment Agency                                                                                                                           Hanoi, Vietnam

Consultant                                                                                                                                                       Sept. 2000 to Feb. 2001

Served as the project leader and author of a study on public disclosure of environmental information in Vietnam. Analyzed current environmental data gathering, management, and distribution by the Vietnamese government, international agencies, and NGOs. Worked with the National Environment Agency to propose a new system for environmental data management and disclosure to the public. Wrote proposal to the World Bank for funding a pilot project on environmental information disclosure for Hanoi which will  be completed in 2002.


Independent University Initiative                                                                                                               San Francisco, CA

Consultant                                                                                                                                                     Sept. 1999 to Sept. 2000

Served as a consultant to the Independent University Initiative on Sweatshops, a joint-research project funded by Harvard University, Notre Dame, Ohio State, the University of Michigan, and the University of California. Conducted research on the apparel industry producing university-logo garments, specific factory conditions in China, South Korea and Indonesia, and systems to monitor factory performance around the world.


United Nations Development Programme                                                                                                 Hanoi, Vietnam

Urban and Industrial Environmental Specialist                                                                 Nov. 1998 to April 1999

Worked as the international specialist in urban and industrial environmental management on a project to assess the effectiveness of development aid in Vietnam.  Researched past aid projects in environmental sector, energy, urban planning, industrial development, and infrastructure. Analyzed policies and institutional arrangements of responsible government agencies and international donors. Presented lessons of past projects and recommended strategies to enhance future development assistance.


United Nations Industrial Development Organization                               Bien Hoa and Viet Tri, Vietnam

Economics and Incentives Expert                                                                                           Oct. 1996 to August 1998

Worked as a consultant on two UNIDO projects focusing on industrial pollution control in Vietnam.  Analyzed firm environmental management systems and technical and institutional barriers to pollution prevention.  Evaluated the potential for market-based instruments for pollution control.  Analyzed internal firm incentives for environmental management changes.  Assisted in waste audits of case study factories, and review of permit process.


The Royal Netherlands Embassy                                                                                                                      Hanoi, Vietnam

Technology Consultant and Mission Leader                                                                                March to April 1997

Led an appraisal mission of a project to establish a Capacity Building Center for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam focused on the promotion of cleaner production technologies.  Researched the current economic and institutional situation for SMEs in Vietnam, assessing environmental problems and technical assistance needs. 


Economic Development Institute                                                                                                                   Washington, DC

Pollution Prevention Advisor                                                                                                                              September 1995

Consultant to the Economic Development Institute of the World Bank on the design of a program on industrial pollution prevention policy in Vietnam.  Participated in development of program objectives and activities with Vietnamese environmental officials, lectured on pollution prevention policies, and facilitated discussions on research and training needs.


SwedeCorp                                                                                                                                                                        Hanoi, Vietnam

Technical Instructor                                                                                                                                                       February 1995

Consultant to SwedeCorp (a branch of the Swedish International Development Agency) and the Vietnamese Ministry of Heavy Industry as a lecturer at the country¹s first pollution prevention workshop. Trained government officials and factory managers on industrial waste audit methods, management and technology changes to prevent pollution, and environmental cost accounting.


Center for Environmental Science and Technology                                                                                            Vietnam

Environmental Researcher                                                                                                                         June to August 1994

Conducted research in Vietnam in collaboration with the Centre for Environmental Science and Technology (CEST) at the Hanoi University of Technology.  Designed, raised funds for, and implemented a research project analyzing environmental impacts of recent industrial development in Vietnam. Case studies focused on three sectors: pulp and paper, chemicals and fertilizers, and textiles.


United Nations Environment Programme                                                                                          Bangkok, Thailand

Project Coordinator/Consultant                                                                                                      Dec. 1992 to June 1993

Coordinated the Network for Industrial Environmental Management (NIEM), a network composed of research institutions, laboratories, government agencies, and pulp and paper mills located in eight Asian countries (China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam).  Catalyzed participating institutions to exchange information on environmental management in pulp and paper mills.  Primary functions included design of the third phase of NIEM activities to focus on cleaner production methods, and to advance technology transfer between participating countries.


Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Research Center                                                                       Seattle, WA

Technical Director                                                                                                                                     Oct. 1991 to Dec. 1992

Coordinated research efforts for an environmental non-profit focusing on pollution prevention.  Researched cleaner technologies and alternative manufacturing processes that prevent or reduce toxics use at their source.  Led waste reduction projects on industries key to the Northwest region such as pulp and paper, oil and gas production, fish processing, aerospace, and agriculture.  Coordinated industry roundtables and research projects to assess potential areas for waste reduction.


United Nations Environment Programme                                                                                          Bangkok, Thailand

Research Associate                                                                                                                                    Feb. 1991 to July 1991

Researched industrial pollution in Thailand, specifically examining the use of CFCs and other ozone depleting chemicals in manufacturing industries.  Conducted on-site inspections and interviews at production facilities to identify usage trends and potentials for emissions reductions.  Assisted Thai government and private sector in development of hazard reduction programs.


ICF Incorporated                                                                                                                                                      Washington, D.C.

Research Assistant                                                                                                                                      Aug. 1989 to Jan 1991

Worked on technical issues related to global climate change and ozone depletion.  Researched and wrote a manual on conservation and recycling practices for CFC-based solvent cleaning.  Prepared report on the human health and environmental effects associated with greenhouse warming.  Researched CFC and halon uses in refrigeration, fire extinguishing, and solvent cleaning systems, identifying alternative systems.  Ran computer model studying the relative atmospheric concentrations of chlorine and resulting levels of ozone depletion associated with different regulatory options.


Weyerhaeuser Corporation                                                                                                                                         Tacoma, WA

Mechanical Engineer                                                                                                                Summer 1987 to Spring 1989

Worked in the Forests Products division on Weyerhaeuser¹s consumer products development. Designed second generation prototypes for Woodscape landscaping timbers. Worked on the design and manufacture of a proto-type end-glue, finger-jointing machine. Worked with mills in the Pacific Northwest on manufacturing process engineering.


Public Service


Professional Memberships


Departmental Service



Thesis Advisees


Jill Blockhus, Ph.D. candidate, Environmental Policy


Michael Borucke, Bachelors in Environmental Engineering


Jason Corburn, Ph.D. in Environmental Policy


Sharon Chan, Masters in City Planning, Environmental Policy


Daniel DeLisi, Masters in City Planning, Environmental Policy


Helena Fu, Bachelors in Urban Studies and Planning


Eung Kyoon Lee, Ph.D. candidate, Environmental Policy


Sushila Maharjan, Masters in City Planning, Environmental Policy


Andy Sheng, Masters in Technology Policy Program


Jesse Williamson, Masters in City Planning, Housing, Community, and Economic Development


Media Citations


The New York Times

The Wall Street Journal

The Associated Press

The Boston Globe

The Los Angeles Times

The San Francisco Chronicle

The Economist

Business Week


Christian Science Monitor

The International Herald Tribune

Agence France Presse

Inter Press Service

Bloomberg News


The Chronicle of Higher Education

Corporate Counsel

National Law Journal