$Id: README.top,v 1.2 2009/03/25 20:17:35 jdreed Exp $ $Source: /mit/dotfiles/Doc/RCS/README.top,v $ This locker is a repository for dotfiles and customizations of all sorts so that people can browse for ideas and learn how to customize their account to their personal taste. Dotfiles are kept in subdirectories corresponding roughly to the name of the dotfiles which they contain. These directory names begin with a capital letter, such as Environment. Individual files are of the format: username.dotfilename For example, joeuser's .environment file would be joeuser.environment in the directory named Environment, and so would be: /mit/dotfiles/Environment/joeuser.environment Other files, such as instruction files and information are in all capital letters, such as README and GUIDELINES. Most of the directories will have README files, and you are encouraged to read them. The following directories are not named after dotfiles, because they contain multiple dotfiles: Windowmanagers: this directory contains subdirectories for various windowmanagers, including Twm, Vtwm, &c Please feel free to browse; any problems should be sent to the mailing list and will be dealt with as soon as possible. We recomend against wholesale copying of dotfiles from this directory, as this often leads to problems; instead, we recomend that you try to understand the parts that interest you, so you can make up interesting dotfiles of your own. If you are interested in submitting dotfiles for entry into the locker, please read the README and GUIDELINES file in the Submit subdirectory. We strongly urge you *not* to copy these files wholesale. Examine the files and use the customizations you want. It is best if you can understand what features you are adding and how they work. Jonathan Reed for dotfiles_maint@mit.edu