XROTOR Download Page
XROTOR is an interactive program for the design and analysis of
ducted and free-tip propellers and windmills.
It consists of a
collection of menu-driven routines which perform various useful
functions such as:
- Design of minimum induced loss rotor (propeller or windmill)
- Prompted input of an arbitrary rotor geometry
- Interactive modification of a rotor geometry
- Twist optimization of an arbitrary rotor for minimum induced loss
- Analysis of a rotor with a wealth of choices of operating parameters
- Incoming slipstream effects (from an upstream propeller, viscous wake...)
- Multi-point parameter display
- Structural analysis and corrections for twist under load
- Acoustic analysis with dB noise footprint predictions
- Interpolation of geometry to radii of interest
- Plotting of geometry, aerodynamic parameters, and performance maps
- ...
See also the
QPROP web page.
QPROP/QMIL are alternative programs, which are more geared
for doing parameter sweeps and coupling to motors or generators.
QPROP/QMIL have almost the same theoretical formulation as XROTOR,
and they are also extensively documented, so their documentation
can be used as the basic documentation for XROTOR.
Release Conditions
The most important conditions are:
- You may copy, modify and redistribute XROTOR or its modifications freely.
- Any such redistributions must be done under the terms of the GPL,
else the permission is withdrawn.
- Xrotor7.57.tar.tgz (350829 bytes)
Xrotor 7.55 for
Unix and Win32. Gzipped directory tar image.
All source code, plain-text
version of User Guide, sample data files.
Requires Fortran 77, C
compilers, windowing support.
- xrotor7.69.exe.zip (537406 bytes)
Xrotor 7.69 executable for Windows, courtesy of Harold Youngren.
Note: The source
code for XROTOR itself is the same for Unix and Win32.
The plot library directory (plotlib) has a separate win32 subdirectory.
See all the README files for more info.
Win32 Notes: Interaction with Win32 XROTOR
is through a DOS-type text console window.
Some of Microsoft's Win32 OS'es (Win95/98/ME) have limitations on # of lines
in a console window and cannot fully display XROTOR menus or output.
Win95/98/ME also have other shortcomings with regard to
resource usage and stability although XROTOR runs under these OS'es.
Windows NT, Win2000 and Windows XP are the recommended Win32 platforms.
- Mark Drela drela (AT) mit (DOT) edu,
(also Harold Youngren guppy (AT) maine (DOT) rr (DOT) com)

Page Revisions
10 Feb, 2011
- Page created
- XROTOR 7.54 (Unix)
24 Mar, 2011
- XROTOR 7.55 (Unix)
1 Feb, 2022
- XROTOR 7.69 (Windows)