BackButton.gif (5840 bytes)Maple-SYREP Frequency Domain Analysis Example

This example illustrates some of Maple-SYREP's frequency domain procedures.  A simple mass-spring-dashpot mechanical system is created using a linear graph description.  Numerical values are assigned to the parameters; the frequency response phase is computed, and a Bode magnitude plot is presented.  The SYREP procedure Find_magnitude() is then used to solve the frequency response magnitude function expression |H(jw)| = 0.01 (-40dB).  Because Maple's equation solver only returns the first root it finds (in general), two separate search ranges are used (0.1 to 5 rad/s, and 5 to 100 rad/s) to find both solutions.  One of the solutions is then checked by substitution into the frequency response function.  Finally the frequency response is plotted in polar (Nyquist) form.

FreqResp.gif (16539 bytes)

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