Modern Times:
Cyborg Anthropology and Traveling Facts


Modern Times:
Cyborg Anthropology and Traveling Facts

Time: Mon/Wed 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Place: Bldg 26, Rm 302
Prereq: None.
Credit: [3-0-6]
Instructor: Dumit, Joseph


This purpose of this class is to develop anthropological perspectives and critical reflection on the interplay of social, scientific, and global realities in modern times. We will study ways of learning about and mapping the travel of facts, things, concepts and people into and out of our lives.


Reading and full class participation are absolutely required. There will be three projects: the first is a short study of an artifact (4-5 pages). The second involves finding and contextualizing an artifact related to computer hardware. And the third project is to examine ethnographically as well as semiotically a site of production related to your own interests.


Sections (in no particular order yet)

Ethnography in the Modern World

What is Postmodernism?

Cyborg Anthropology

Cultural Metaphors and Cyborgs

Cultural Biographies of Things

Cultural Biographies of Facts

Studying Visualization

Science Cultures

Studying Up, Studying Ourselves

Traveling Subjects, Traveling Facts

Incorporating Facts

An Economy of Knowledge