Modern Times:
Cyborg Anthropology and Traveling Facts
This purpose of this class is to develop anthropological perspectives
and critical reflection on the interplay of social, scientific, and global
realities in modern times. We will study ways of learning about and mapping
the travel of facts, things, concepts and people into and out of our lives.
Reading and full class participation are absolutely required. There
will be three projects: the first is
a short study of an artifact
(4-5 pages).
The second involves finding and contextualizing an artifact related to computer hardware.
And the third project is to examine ethnographically as well as semiotically
a site of production related to your own interests.
- Tsing, In the Realm of the Diamond Queen
- Traweek, Beamtimes and Lifetimes
- Martin, Flexible Bodies
- Juma, The Gene Hunters
Sections (in no particular order yet)
Ethnography in the Modern World
- Tsing AL (1993) In the realm of the diamond queen :
in an out-of-the-way place. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
- Miner H (1956) 'Body ritual among the Nacirema', American
Anthropologist 58(503-7).
What is Postmodernism?
- Harvey, Condition of Postmodernity
- Lyotard, Postmodern Condition
- Appadurai, "Ethnoscapes" in Recapturing
- Tsing
Cyborg Anthropology
- Downey GL, Dumit J, & Williams S (1995) 'Cyborg
Cultural Anthropology.
- Downey GL, Dumit J, & Traweek S (forthcoming) 'Locating
and intervening', in Downey G.L., et al., ed. Cyborgs and
anthropological interventions in emerging sciences and
SAR Press.
Cultural Metaphors and Cyborgs
- Haraway, Donna. "Manifesto for Cyborgs" Cyborgs,
Simians and Women
- Penley, Constance and Andrew Ross, "Cyborgs at Large:
Interview with Donna Haraway" in Penley & Ross eds,
- Haraway, Donna "The Actors are Cyborg, Nature is Coyote,
and the Geography is elsewhere: Postscript to 'Cyborgs at Large'.
in Penley & Ross eds., Technoculture.
- Martin
Cultural Biographies of Things
- Kopytoff I (1986) 'The Cultural Biography of Things:
as Process', in Appadurai A., ed. The Social Life of Things:
Commodities in Cultural Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge
UP, 64-93.
- Traweek
Cultural Biographies of Facts
- Bernal, Martin Black Athena (selections)
- Martin E (1994) Flexible bodies : tracking immunity in
American culture from the days of polio to the age of AIDS.
Boston: Beacon Press.
Studying Visualization
- Tagg, John. (1988). "The Proof of the Picture"
in The Burden of Representation: Essays on Photographies and
Histories. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
- Rapp R (forthcoming) 'Real Time Fetus: the role of the
in the age of monitored reproduction', in Downey G.L., et al.,
ed. Cyborgs and Citadels: anthropological interventions in
emerging sciences and technologies. SAR Press.
Science Cultures
- Bourdieu P (1975) 'The Specificity of the Scientific Field
and the Social Conditions of the Progress of Reason', Social
Science Information 14(6): 19-57.
- Traweek S (1988) Beamtimes and Lifetimes: The World of
High Energy Physicists. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
- Heath D (forthcoming) 'Bodies, antibodies, and modest
in Downey G.L., et al., ed. Cyborgs and Citadels:
interventions in emerging sciences and technologies. SAR
Studying Up, Studying Ourselves
- Downey GL, Dumit J, & Traweek S (forthcoming) 'Corridor
Talk', in Downey G.L., et al., ed. Cyborgs and Citadels:
interventions in emerging sciences and technologies. SAR
- Downey GL, & Lucena JC (forthcoming) 'Engineering selves:
hiring in to a contested field of education', in Downey G.L.,
et al., ed. Cyborgs and Citadels: anthropological
in emerging sciences and technologies. SAR Press.
Traveling Subjects, Traveling Facts
- Shohat E (1992) 'Lasers-For-Ladies - Endo Discourse And The
Inscriptions Of Science (The Realization Of Endometriosis As A
Real Disease)', Camera Obscura N29: 57+.
- Ong A (1995) 'Making The Biopolitical Subject - Cambodian
Immigrants, Refugee Medicine And Cultural Citizenship In
Social Science & Medicine 40(9): 1243-1257.
- Tsing
Incorporating Facts
- Douglas M, & Wildavsky A (1982) Risk and Culture: an
on the Selection of Technological and Environmental Dangers.
University of California Press.
- Dumit J (forthcoming) 'A digital image of the category of
the person: PET scanning and objective self-fashioning', in
G.L., et al., ed. Cyborgs and Citadels: anthropological
in emerging sciences and technologies. SAR Press.
- Harding S (1987) 'Convicted by the Holy Spirit: The Rhetoric
of Fundamental Baptist Conversion', American Ethnologist
14(1): 167-181.
An Economy of Knowledge
- Sandra Harding, ed. (1993) The "Racial" Economy
of Science: Toward A Democratic Future. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press.
- Juma, C. The Gene Hunters