: //root/professional
I'm a graduate student now. Here is my
Other places I have worked:
Laboratory for Nuclear Science
. I did simulation and modeling work for the KATRIN experiment.
Differential Equations (18.03) at ESG
. I gave lecture to one of the sections in the spring of 2008.
Calculus (18.01A/18.02A) at ESG
. I gave lecture to one of the sections in fall of 2007 and IAP 2008.
Los Alamos National Laboratory
. I interned in P(hysics)-Division in the summer of 2007.
Differential Equations (18.03) at ESG
. I was a tutor in the spring of 2007.
Picower Institute for Memory and Learning
. I was an undergraduate researcher with the neuroscience department.
Dimagi, Inc.
I was a software engineer at this healthcare informatics startup in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
The MIT Media Lab
. I was an undergraduate researcher in the
Responsive Environments
The Democratic National Committee
. I volunteered in the weeks before the national 2004 election.