Deductive rule-based systems

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Initial assertions

  • Sila threw a penny into a well
  • Igor is in Sila's way
  • Igor is crazy
  • Sila is popular
  • Sila is crazy
  • Igor is wearing ripped jeans
  • Sila just met Igor
  • Rules

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    ifand?a threw a penny into a well?b is in ?a's waythen?a notices ?b
    ifand?a is popular?b is crazythen?b stares at ?a
    ifand?a just met ?bor?a is crazy?a is attracted to ?bthen?a gives his/her number to ?b
    iforand?a is wearing ripped jeans?b notices ?a?b stares at ?athen?b is attracted to ?a
    ifand?b is attracted to ?a?a gives his/her number to ?bthen?b will call ?a