Constitution of
Easy Rider
The MIT Motorcycle Club
The name of this organization shall be "Easy Rider -- the MIT Motorcycle Club",
hereafter also referred to as "The Club".
The purpose of The Club shall be to promote the sport of motorcycling
within the MIT community through club trips and other social events.
The Club shall have two types of members: full members and associate members.
Any person who identifies with the purpose of The Club, shall be
eligible for membership in The Club.
- Anyone, who requests to be added to The Club mailing list and
submits a minimum set of information as determined by The Committee shall be
considered an associate member of The Club.
- All associate members, who pay club dues as set by The
Committee shall be considered full members of The Club.
Here are some more membership details as required by our eternal friends at ASA:
- Any member of the MIT community is eligible to become a member
of this organization.
- This organization will not discriminate based on
any characteristic listed in MIT's Non-Discrimination Statement.
- The membership of this organization will at all times contain at least
5 MIT students and be more than half MIT students.
- If this organization charges any monetary dues, there will be exceptions
made for students that cannot afford these dues.
The Easy Rider -- MIT Motorcycle Club Committee (Easy Rider
Committee -- hereafter also referred to as
``The Committee'') shall be the administrative,
organizing and judicial body of The Club.
The Easy Rider Committee shall consist of two to seven officers and the
- Meetings of the Easy Rider Committee shall be called by the president or
officers, as deemed necessary in order to conduct the business of The Club.
- The president shall preside over Easy Rider Committee meetings and can cast the
decisive vote in case of a tie.
- Quorum for Easy Rider Committee meetings shall be half of its officers.
- Any member of The Club shall be able to attend meetings of the
Easy Rider Committee. A full member shall also be able to ask for a topic to be put on
the agenda.
- The Easy Rider Committee shall supervise admission of new members and
maintain the electronic mailing lists of The Club.
- The Easy Rider Committee shall each year determine the annual membership fee.
- The Easy Rider Committee shall be responsible for the planning and organization of
all events of The Club.
- The Easy Rider Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation
and enactment
of this constitution.
The rights and responsibilities of officers and members-at-large shall be:
- President
The president shall be the representative of The Club in all matters. He shall
be a voting member of The Committee.
- Treasurer
The treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of The
Club. He shall maintain detailed financial records of all Club
events. He shall be a voting member of The Committee.
- Other officers
In addition there may be officers with specified functions, such as activities
chair, web master etc. They shall be voting members of The Committee.
- Members-at-large
Members-at-large shall assist in the organization of Club events
and programs. They shall be appointed by The Committee and be nonvoting members of
The Committee. Only full members of The Club are eligible for
appointment. Their appointment shall expire with The Committee under which
they serve.
All officers have to be distinct persons.
- Any member of The Committee can resign by submitting a written letter of
resignation to The Committee.
- Members of The Committee can be removed, if they fail to
attend two
subsequent Committee meetings without excuse. The removal of an officer has to
be approved by a majority vote of the committee. Members-at-large can be
removed by a majority vote of the Easy Rider Committee.
- In the event of a vacancy in the office of president or treasurer the
vacancy shall be filled by the first available
officer in the order specified in section 1 until a new officer is elected (see
section 3, paragraph 6).
- The officers of The Club shall serve for one year and shall be
elected by the general meeting. The newly elected Easy Rider Committee members
shall take
office two weeks after the election. These two weeks shall serve as a
transitional period during which the incoming Easy Rider Committee members shall prepare
for the duties of their offices. Easy Rider Committee members shall be elected in the
order listed in article V, section 1.
- Only MIT students shall be eligible to serve as president of
The Club.
- To be eligible for office, the candidate shall be a full member of The Club and a member of the MIT community.
- Candidates shall be nominated for office by full members of
Club. A candidate shall not be able to nominate himself or herself. Nominations
shall close two days prior to elections.
- To be elected for office, the candidate must receive a majority
of the votes of the full members present and voting at a General meeting.
In the event that no candidate has a majority, all candidates but the
two with the largest number of votes shall be stricken from the ballot
and another vote conducted.
- If a vacancy in office according to section 2, paragraph 3 occurs, then a
new officer shall be elected within 4 weeks. Unless a general meeting is
scheduled the new officer shall be elected by electronic ballot. The term of
the officer shall last until the next general meeting.
Regular general meetings of The Club shall be called by the
president and meet once a year in the spring term.
Special general meetings have to be called if requested by a majority
of voting members of the Easy Rider Committee or by 20 full members of
The Club.
- Invitations shall be sent to all members of The Club by
electronic mail at
least 1 week prior to the general meeting.
- All full members present shall have one vote each.
- Associate members may attend general meetings.
The text of a proposed amendment shall be submitted to all full members of The
Club at least one day prior to a general meeting and shall be distributed in
printed form at the meeting. The amendment shall take effect if it receives at
least two thirds of the votes of full members present and voting.
When common sense dictates that the application of any provision of this
constitution would contradict the purpose of The Club as stated in
Article II, then the spirit, rather than the letter, of this constitution shall
govern its interpretation.
The Club agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the
Association of Student Activities (ASA). This constitution amends to it, and
the bylaws of this organization shall be subject to review by the ASA Executive
Committee to insure that they are in accordance with the aforementioned rules
and regulations.
Maximilian Riesenhuber
Tue May 12 13:54:50 EDT 1998