1998 Memorial Day Weekend Trip   

This Memorial Day weekend we decided to bag the idea of going to the Cape. Instead of beating up the crowds at the beach, Sherri suggested that we go riding in New Hampshire. So off we were to the Connecticuit River. We had a nice stop by Ipsawee Lake and ate ice cream. It was a good long ride and a tiring day (my back was aching- a good reason to start wearing those back supports while riding).
Photo Album of Trip SET#1
(the next set will be scanned in from actual photos, so they will be much nicer...)


Here is our first stop in a quaint 4 bldg town. We parked in front of City Hall in some random city(???). Had Lunch and kept on Riding in the Wind.
Here Carsten and Sherri and Max are posing for a photo shoot which we are going to send to the Dennis Kirk 1999 Catalogue. Maybe we can make some money and fund Easy Rider with a few more burgers.
Here's a nice pic of our clunkers, I mean our bikes. Carsten's Suzuki RS850, Linus' mean Honda Hawk (TBR Right exhaust), and Max's typical Red Honda Night Hawk (750cc).
Here's Linus' "SMUG SHOT" which will be sent to Campus Police.
"Did I lose that contact on I-93 or was it 128? Can we go back and look for it guys? "
"Oh... there it is. Stuck to the fairing, I hate it when that happens...."
Easy Riding... that's what it's all about!!!!