Easy Rider Excursion to the  
Loudon International Speedway  
Sunday June 21, 1998 
Photo Album #1 

How many bikes are parked outside the speedway? 

Click on any picture to see a larger image!

Linus drools over Jason's Hypercycle  
Suzuki GSXR-750. Notice the #1 Plate on the 
front end. This bike won more 750cc SuperSport 
AMA races than any other bike in it's class.
Well, he found out soon enough what it was
like to ride with J. Pridmore. The next day
he rode pillion with Jason on one of Reg Pridmore's
CLASS VFR's!!! "Man Let me tell you that
kicked ass." -Linus
Our Presidente bravely led us into the pits
of the speedway (he bribed the security chaps
$10 a person) soon after the sidecar races. Here
Max has found his new love machine...
But then he realizes that on his stipend (other
than the one given to him by his mommy and
daddy) he can only afford this baby banana beamer.
Here's Harley-Davidson-Buell Racing's 
#3 Lightning in the Pits... ready to go...
Okay folks. This is the "TIRE VAN".
Any Questions?
Right before the start of the 250cc Two-Stroke
Race, it started to rain. Meanwhile, the 250's
kept their tires warm with these nifty electric
At first I thought that  those 250cc 
TWO-strokes to me sounded SLOW 
because they were 250's. However I realized 
later that they were actually TWO-Stroke 
environmentally hazardous suicycles. They 
can easy over take any superbike in the corners.
Here are the same three bikes screaming up 
Turn #3. This turn is a doozy, you have to 
slow down alot, and then roll on the gas 
to get up and over the hill. 
Here we see theTeam Muzzy Kawasaki's
Race Camp in the pits. Check out Doug
Chandler's #10 Bike being prepped and ready
to run in the Superbike Championship. 
Doug was last year's Loudon 
Superbike Champ. He is coming back
this year to win it again.
After 36 of 39 laps. Doug Chandler has hammered a 10 second lag behind the 2nd place racer to less than one
second. However he couldn't quite overtake Gobert. 
The annoucer: "I guess Chandler has decided to be
a bit conservative and stick with a 3rd place win...
that's very smart of him..." Then... ScRAPE-CRASH!!! Doug eats it in Turn#1 in Lap 38 of 39. Ouch.