

3400 heiroglyphics. collection of figurative images.

750 greek alphabet. read by identifying letters, grouping into syllables and comprehending succession of syllables.

300 simmias of rhodes. the ax. the first "shaped verse."

80 quintilian. places importance on margins, spaces and graphic arrangement of lines by advising recalling places on tablet were speech is written.

800 rabanus maurus. carmina figurata. plays on letter alignment to glorify esoteric value of letters' message.

1400 engraving. provided images with previously inconceivable means of dissemination, spurring artists to contribute to books in new ways.

1499 francesco colonna. hypnerotomachia poliphili. aldus manutius weds typography of page layout with beauty of illustrative imagery.

1500 rabelais. dive bouteille. printing leads to feats of typography. shaped verse appears increasingly in europe, for satire and humor.

1830 charles nodier and tony johannot. histoire du roi de boheme et de ses sept chateaux. text's intent stressed through line arrangements, fonts, letter sizes.

1897 mallarmes. un coup de des jamais n'abolira le hasard. novelty in spacing, gives initiative to reader to determine the value of the spaces, "mute thought."

1918 apollinaire. calligrammes. calls his work "paintings" saying "I, too, am a painter" and revives shaped verse.

1923 el lissitzky and vladimir mayakovsky. dlia golossa. "liberation movement." call for ideographic writing that was plurilinguistic.

1948 pierre reverdy and picasso. le chant des morts. ancient traditions of ideogramatic cultures, image and text have come totally together again.

1950 lettrist movement, concrete poetry, spazialismo. letter is best medium for giving radical from to cultural deconditioning. new interest in computer technology. digital poetry is born.

1960 aaron marcus. cybernetic landscapes. use a joystickc to move around a virtual landscape of letters. "communication" between humans and electronic media.

1962 francois le lionnais. oulipo. writing poetry under more or less complicated and restrictive rules. poems in programming languages.

1967 krause and schaudt

1977 conference at centre georges pompidou

1983 roy ascott. la plissure du texte. first email project. role-play distributed to artists in eleven cities in the world.

1985 art access. first telematic art journal.

1987 hypertext novel. michael joyce. afternoon, a story.

1988 richard brandow and boris wanowitch. computer viruses as artistic processes.

1989 alamo group. concetrated exclusively on the connections between literature and computers, artificial and algorithmic text generation.

1990 interactive media art. communication between humans and electronic media.

1992 chie matsui and tomoaki ishihara, p0es1s project. computer as a device for seeing and reading analog, visible text that were previously unobservable.

1993 kunsthalle wien, electronic poetry center.

1994 KaspaH. catherine de courten. fictional character creates its identity in the internet via cocmmunication with real people.

1996 new media poetry anthology. eduardo kac.

1999 dichtung digital online journal. roberto simanowski.

2000 ars electronica festival

2004 p0es1s digitale poesie conference