Electronic Commerce and Marketing



This case can be downloaded from the Web: Firefly Network, Inc. Prepared by Jean-Claude Charlet (Stanford MBA '98) under the supervision of Professor Erik Brynjolfsson. You will need to use the username and password (personal!) which were emailed to you earlier.

Background Materials


Case Preparation Questions

Please visit the above sites on the web. As you prepare the Firefly case, address the following questions as these will form, in part, the basis for our class discussions.

  1. What are the business models available to Firefly?
  2. Which business model is most likely to be successful for Firefly? Be specific, and justify your answer.
  3. How do tools like Firefly's affect markets on the web?
  4. What is the significance of the Open Profiling Standard for Web-based markets?
  5. What privacy issues are raised by website personalization?