Log file Component |
Potential Marketing Application |
IP address of the browser making the request; user machine name is not usually recorded |
Detect at least the Internet Service Provider of the user |
Country code and domain name |
Determine which regions of the world might best be targeted |
Hour, minute, and second of the request, in addition to the date and day of the week |
Determine some of the web habits of a user , for example, are they late night surfers, etc. |
HTTP method of the request; (type of request). |
Know what types of requests are most commonly made |
Response status with the server (the success or failure of the request); |
Improve the service of the web site |
Number of bytes transferred in the transaction |
Determine which files are downloaded more often |
Referring URL (where the visitor was when the request was made to your site |
Determine which on-line ads are most effective |
User name, if authorization is required |
Identify a user and create a profile about them |
Type of browser used by visitor |
Ensure compatibility of web-site with most common browsers |
Web pages on the server visited |
Determine potential areas of interest for the customer |