What is CVM?

CVM is a method used to ensure that a credit card being used in a purchase is in the possession of its owner. We use the CVM to enhance the security of your ordering experience and help detect any fraudulent use of your card.

The CVM security code is a 3 or 4 digit code imprinted on the physical credit card, but not embedded or encrypted in the magnetic stripe. The CVM is sometimes referred to as CVV2 or CID. Locate the CVM code on your card as shown below:


American Express
Four-digit code located on the front, just above and to the right of your credit card number.


Visa, MasterCard, and Discover
Three-digit code located on the signtature strip on the back of your card, following the 16-digit credit card number.


Diner's Club
Three-digit code located on the signtature strip on the back of your card, following the 14-digit credit card number.