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MIT – Harvard Economic Sociology Seminar Spring 2006 Schedule

Wednesdays from 3:30-5:00 p.m.

MIT seminars meet at the Sloan Building , E52-598.

Harvard seminars meet in William James Hall , Room 1550.


February 8 (Harvard)

Jordan Siegel, Harvard Business School

"Egalitarianism and International Investment"

Feburary 15 (MIT)

Michael Macy, Cornell University

"Maybe Its not such a Small World After All: Spatial Networks and 
Complex Contagions"

Feburary 22 (Harvard)

Sarah Babb, Boston College

" Forging Development Paradigms: American Politics and the Multilateral Banks, 1977-Present"

March 1 (MIT)

Valery Yakubovich, University of Chicago

"Contracts and Cliques: An Organizational Response to Short-Term Labor Market Uncertainties"

March 8 (Harvard)

Chris Marquis, Harvard Business School

"Changing Environments and Corporate Political Activity: The Debate over US Banking Regulations, 1896-1978"

March 15 (MIT)

Kate Kellogg, MIT Sloan

"Challenging operations: Using social movement resources to change day-to-day work activities in a surgical teaching hospital"

March 22(Harvard)

Lauren Edelman, Berkeley

"Working Law: Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Practices"

March 29

MIT Spring Vacation

No Seminar

April 5 (MIT)

Mikolaj Piskorski, Harvard Business School

"Networks of Power and Status?"

April 12 (Harvard)
April 19 (MIT)
Gili Drori, Stanford University
April 26 (Harvard)

Michal Frenkel, Hebrew University (CES, Visiting Scholar)

"Power in Institutionalization: Politicians, Managers and Israel's Importation of the M-form 1950-1970."

May 3 (MIT)


Inaugurated at MIT's Sloan School in 1997 (Past Presenters), the Economic Sociology Seminar aims to be the home for cutting-edge economic sociology in the greater Boston social science research community. Beginning in 2003, the seminar is jointly run by faculty from the Sloan School and the Harvard Department of Sociology. Meeting at MIT and Harvard in alternating weeks during the academic year, presenters and participants represent a diverse array of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. What we share is a commitment to engage the array of research that has recently come under the heading of economic sociology and thereby to improve upon existing models of organizations, markets, and other key economic institutions.

If you have any questions, please go to:


Last modified: Sept 8, 2006

Copyright © 2005 by Jamila Tolbert