
Tools for Open-Ended Engineering

Professor Louis L. Bucciarelli

Two tools will be demonstrated:

The first tools are interactive simulations which illustrate force and moment equilibrium - principles fundamental to the analysis and design of structures. Used in subject 1.050, they enable students to quickly explore varieties of possible 2-dimensional truss and frame structure designs in real time. The tools are used in the open-ended, design type exercises assigned throughout the semester.

The second technology was designed to enhance learning in a frosh seminar exploring the performance and design of photovoltaic (PV) solar energy systems. Data from a PV unit installed atop building 1 which measures PV module output, module temperature, battery voltage, as well as ambient temperature, wind speed and direction, is accessible in realtime on the web at . The site, which has been running since fall 2001, includes a simulation which uses archived data for sizing PV stand-alone systems for the Boston area.

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