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"Something Different": Sweatshirt Design Contest Results
The votes for the EECS GSA Clothing Design Contest are in!
Congratulations to Kevin Brokish for submitting the winning design!
Here are the results:
- 1st Place: Kevin Brokish -- Entry 1 (18 votes)
- 2nd Place: John Sun/Jason/Doris -- write-in entry (7 votes)
- 3rd Place: David He -- Entry 2 (5 votes)
- 4th Place: Kush Varshney -- Entry 3 (2 votes)
Thanks to all participants who submitted designs!
Since a large majority of voters preferred hoodies, but a sizeable
minority also wanted sweatshirts, we will be selling both.
Contest Submissions
Here are the submissions for the EECS GSA Sweatshirt Design Contest.
Encourage your friends to come to the general body meeting on Monday,
November 12th to vote for their favorite design! Each member of the
winning team (up to three) receives a free sweatshirt and a $10 gift
certificate to Toscanini's.
Click on images for an expanded view.