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EHS-related Roles in the Roles Database and elsewhere |
The actual roles (or authorizations, as they are called in the Roles Database) are being maintained jointly by representatives from the EHS Office and the Business Liaison Team. In the future, maintenance of some of these roles may, optionally, be distributed to representatives within the DLCs.
(In addition to the roles maintained in the Roles Database, there are some roles for Room Sets, e.g., ROOM SET SUPERVISOR and EHS REPRESENTATIVE, for which the system of record is the PI Space Registration system. See section IV.)
The EHS roles are stored as Roles Database authorizations, where the function indicates the person's role and the qualifier indicates the DLC or group of DLCs where the person has this role. (We use the Roles technical term authorization even when people may not be strictly authorized to do anything within a computer-based system.) The functions are defined in section III of this document.
The authority to view these authorizations via the Roles web interface is available only to people with an explicit "VIEW AUTH BY CATEGORY" authorization for category "EHS". If you think you should be authorized to view this information but you are not, see the rules for who is allowed to view authorizations described in the memo Roles Database Meta-authorizations.
Click the link below to view EHS-related roles from the Roles Database. (The report does not include the roles specific to Room Sets, which must be viewed in the PI Space Registration system.)
The following Functions are used in the Roles Database for defining EHS-related roles.
Function name Definition Roles related to organizational responsibility within the DLCs DEPARTMENTAL EHS COORDINATOR A person within a DLC with a set of responsibilities related to the DLC's compliance with MIT's EHS policies. (In the future, this role will automatically give the person specific reporting privileges in computer-based systems.) DEAN OR VP (EHS) The dean or vice president for a school or area, as maintained by the EHS Office for EHS reporting purposes DLC HEAD (FOR EHS) The department head for a DLC, as maintained by the EHS Office for EHS reporting purposes. EHS DLC COMMITTEE CHAIR A role within a DLC's EHS committee EHS DLC COMMITTEE CO-CHAIR A role within a DLC's EHS committee EHS DLC COMMITTEE MEMBER A role within a DLC's EHS committee CHEMICAL HYGIENE OFFICER A person within a DLC responsible for compliance with MIT's policies related to chemical hygiene CHEMICAL HYGIENE PLAN REVIEWER Person within a DLC responsible for reviewing the DLC's chemical hygiene plan. Roles related to support for DLCs within the EHS Office EHS OFFICE LEAD CONTACT The main contact person within the EHS Office responsible for EHS support for a DLC. (Lead contacts automatically have the authority to view Room Set information for all DLCs.) EHS OFFICE CONTACT TEAM MEMBER A team member within the EHS Office who assists the Lead Contact in supporting a DLC Specific authorizations related to the Labs Database MAINTAIN ROOM SET INFO The authority to create, update, or delete information on Room Sets within one or more DLCs. VIEW ROOM SET INFO The authority to view information on Room Sets within one or more DLCs, not including the authority to view directory-suppressed home phone numbers for contact people. This authority allows the person to report on applicable Room Sets both via the Data Warehouse (data to be available by the end of Feb., 2003) and the web interface to the Labs Database (available now). VIEW ROOM SET INFO AND PHONE Same as "VIEW ROOM SET INFO" but also includes the authority to view directory-suppressed home phone numbers for contact people related to Room Sets for specified DLCs. (Details about which home phone numbers will be made available to the Labs Database from the HR system will be decided soon.) MAINTAIN EHS HAZARD TYPES Authority to maintain the generic checklist of hazard types used for Room Sets in all DLCs. This authority should only be granted to a few central EHS or IS people. (When the PI Space Registration system is moved to SAP and SAPWeb, the web-based interface for maintaining Hazard Types will no longer be available, and this Function will be dropped.) MAINTAIN EHS FUNCTIONS Authority to maintain the generic list of Functions (e.g., SECONDARY ROOM SET SUPERVISOR, SECONDARY EHS REP) used for assigning roles for Room Sets within the Labs Database. This authority should only be granted to a few central EHS or IS people. (When the PI Space Registration system is moved to SAP and SAPWeb, the web-based interface for maintaining room set level functions will no longer be available, and this Function will be dropped.) Specific authorizations related to training records CHANGE TRAINEE TNA SETTINGS (by DEPT) Authority to change the DLC or PI settings within Training Needs Assessment data for people within a given DLC. This authority implied for DEPARTMENTAL EHS COORDINATORs and for EHS OFFICE LEAD CONTACTs, and does not need to be given explicitly. People with this authority can add or remove a trainee from their DLC for EHS training purposes. DELETE COMPLETED COURSES The authority to fix mistakes in previously-entered records on people's completed EHS training. Authority to perform this function should only be given to one or two training administrators within the EHS Office. MAINTAIN EXTRA PI Authority to add to or delete from the check list of PIs or supervisors on the Training Registration pages, where trainees record their supervisor(s). The list shown is a union of PIs and supervisors from OSP and financial data plus additional supervisors directly maintained within the EHSWEB system. Only a few central EHS or IS people should be granted this authority. MAINTAIN TRAINING RULES TABLES Authority to maintain EHS training objects and rules, including the list of EHS Activities seen by users in the Training Needs Assessment, certification types, triggers for certification, courses and course options. This authority should only be given to a few EHS training administrators. MOVE TRAINING RULES TO PROD Authority to move a batch of training objects and rules changes from the staging area to the production area. This authority should only be given to one or two EHS Office people who coordinate the timing of training rules changes with other training administrators. ROOM SET MAINT FOR PI/EHS REP (within a DLC) Authority to do limited maintenance of Room Set data for PIs and EHS Representatives. A person having an authorization for this function within a DLC will be allowed to change Room Set contact data and hazard types by room within Room Sets for which the person is either a PI or an EHS Representative. This function will become obsolete when the PI Space Registration component is moved off of EHSWEB and into SAP. SCHED RECALC OF TRAINING NEEDS Not used. People who have MOVE TRAINING RULES TO PROD authority can check a checkbox to recalculate training requirements at the same time. UPDATE COMPLETED COURSES Authority to add new records for people's completed EHS training via EHSWEB. This authority should be given to a small number of EHS Training administrators who enter completed course data for live courses and other requirements such as medical exams and signatures. VIEW EHS TRAINING REPORT Authority to view web-based reports on people's training, for people who have specified their association with a DLC. Note that this applies to reporting via EHSWEB, but not to reporting via the Traincasters site, which does not currently receive authorition information from the Roles Database. Miscellaneous roles and authorizations CREATE SUPERVISOR REPORT (by DEPT) Person from a DLC who fills out injury/illness reports (part of a system written by Seth Seligman) DO SPECIAL PERSON LOOKUP The authority to use a versatile person lookup tool on EHSWEB. Currently, this authority is only given to EHS office administrators who need to use the function. (This may be phased out.) EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COORD (by DLC) These roles are Not recorded yet in the Roles DB. Intended to record each DLC's Emergency Preparedness Coordinator(s). MAINTAIN DLC EMERG. CONTACTS (by DLC) May not be needed. Authority to maintain the names and phone numbers of DLC-level emergency contacts. MAINTAIN EHS PROTOCOLS Authority to add, delete, or update EHS Protocols under a DLC. This function controls access to a new component in EHSWEB under development and expected to be completed summer 2004. MAINTAIN SUPERVISOR REPORT Person from a DLC who maintains or edits injury/illness reports (part of a system written by Seth Seligman) VIEW EHS PROTOCOLS Authority to view EHS Protocol data for a DLC. This function controls access to a new component in EHSWEB under development and expected to be completed summer 2004. VIEW GENERAL INCIDENT INFO (by DLC) Authority to view limited data from injury/illness reports related to a DLC, not including details about people involved (part of a system written by Seth Seligman) VIEW SUPERVISOR REPORT (by DLC) Authority to view injury/illness reports related to a DLC (part of a system written by Seth Seligman)
Roles related to the following Functions are not stored in the Roles Database, but they are included here because they are related to EHS. They apply to Room Sets, and are recorded in PI Space Registration system, which is the system of record for Room Sets. These will change somewhat when the PI Space Registration System is moved from EHSWEB to SAP in the fall of 2004.
Function name Definition Roles related to Room Sets ROOM SET SUPERVISOR The person with primary responsibility for activities and people within a lab or other Room Set. This is often the PI. SECONDARY ROOM SET SUPERVISOR A person who share responsibilities for Room Set activities and people with the primary ROOM SET SUPERVISOR. Most Room Sets do not have a secondary supervisor, but a few Room Sets have one or more of them. EHS REPRESENTATIVE The person with primary responsibility for compliance with EHS policies and guidelines within the Room Set. This is often a post doc. SECONDARY EHS REP The person who shares responsibility for compliance with EHS policies and guidelines with the primary EHS REPRESENTATIVE. Most Room Sets do not have a secondary EHS Rep, but a few have one or more of them.
Last modified by Jim Repa on 9/21/2004