LOCKER: eiffel_v16.05 FILE: /mit/eiffel_v16.05/README.athena CONTENTS: Eiffel Studio 16.05 version locker DESCRIPTION: Eiffel Studio is a development environment and command-line compiler for the Eiffel programming language. This is an object-oriented language that incorporates a "programming by contract" feature in addition to the usual features of object-oriebted languages. HOW TO RUN: COMMAND: add eiffel; estudio (IDE) ec (command-line compiler) See gobo documentation (URL below) for gobo utilities FROM DASH: no INTERFACES: GUI or command-line VERSIONS: For Linux 32/64: Eiffel Studio 16.05 DEPENDENCIES: Uses Firefox and acroread to display documentation C compiler (gcc used by default) DATAFILES: platform-independent LICENSE SERVER: no ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPORT ISSUES -- I/S SUPPORT: CONSULTING: none TRAINING: none DOCUMENTATION: extensive online help (gobo) OTHER SUPPORT: CONSULTING: (none) TRAINING: tutorials acccessible through online help; examples in /mit/eiffel_v16.05/distrib/$ATHENA_SYS/Eiffel_16.05/examples directories DOCUMENTATION: WEB PAGE: BUG REPORTS: Use sendbug ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL ISSUES -- STATUS: GPL, if used to develop GPLd applications SITES: any ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THIS LOCKER -- MAINTAINER(S): swmaint (group), alexp DIRECTORY STRUCTURE: arch - arch hierarchy distrib/$ATHENA_SYS/Eiffel_16.05 - top level of install tree C_library - C utility libraries contrib - contributed projects esbuilder - various utility, configuration files eweasel - EiffelWeasel tester files examples - examples experimental - experimental files library - library files (Eiffel code) precomp - build files studio - main part of distribution, binaries tools - tools unstable - contributed projects in development vision2_demo - interactive tour of EiffelVision2 library MODIFY HISTORY: 9/12/16 - Alex Prengel Created this README.athena, initial locker setup MISCELLANEOUS: The class name of the main class in Eiffel source files should match the file name of the source file (not case sensitive). User preferences are stored in a directory ~/.es in user's home directories. May require a large amount of workspace- from about 50 meg for simple, non-graphic applications to several hundred meg (or more) for graphical ones. The compiler builds many auxiliary files and binaries for each project. To run the "tour" tutorial: copy the directory ../Eiffel_16.05/examples/studio/tour contents to a location where you have write permission, and launch estudio from there.