import pylab as pyl import matplotlib as mpl import numpy as npy import matplotlib.image as im import time from Tkinter import * import Image from PIL import Image from numpy import log import tkFileDialog import tkSimpleDialog as tksd WINDOW = 600 # window size def idle(parent, canvas): print "idle" def load_png(): # the user chooses which .png file to open global pngName pngName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename() canvas.itemconfigure("text",text="view image, and/or calculate") canvas.update() print pngName return pngName def set_radius(): # the user sets the radius global r_in r_in = tksd.askfloat("set radius", "enter the cylinder radius in inches:", maxvalue = 60, minvalue = .01, parent = root) canvas.itemconfigure("text",text="radius (in inches) = %.1f"%r_in) canvas.update() time.sleep(1) canvas.itemconfigure("text",text="please choose a .png") canvas.update() return r_in def see_orig(): # the user can view the image global pngName Orig = pyl.asarray( Im = Image.fromarray(Orig);; def calc_transform(): # this transforms x -> theta, and y -> r, and gives you then new image try: global pngName, r_in, Im print "calculating..." # loading the image Orig = pyl.asarray( Im = Image.fromarray(Orig, 'RGB'); # checking the dpi try: dpi =["dpi"] print "dpi = ", dpi except: dpi = 72 print "couldn't find dpi, using default dpi = 72" print "calculating, please wait..." canvas.itemconfigure("text",text="Calculating, may take several mins...") canvas.update() # getting the size of the original image. sy is the number of pixels in the y dimension, sx in the x direction, and sc is the number of colors (usually 3 for RGB or 4 if it also includes alpha) (sy,sx,sc) = (Orig.shape[0], Orig.shape[1], Orig.shape[2]) # calculates the radius in pixels r_cylinder = int(r_in*dpi); # sets theta to be between 0 and pi (maybe user should be able to set this?) th_range = (pyl.pi) # sets the maximum radius (in pixels) as the radius of the cylinder plus the height of the original image. Maybe the user should be able to set this, but then we'd have to interpolate to resize the image. max_r = r_cylinder+sy # the final image has dimensions 2*max_r x 2*max_r, because this is the widest that a circle with radius max_r will be fy = 2*max_r fx = 2*max_r # initialize the final image to 255s (white background) Final = 255*pyl.ones((fy,fx,sc), dtype = pyl.uint8) for y in range(fy): # x and y index into the final image # xc and yc are centered versions of x and y, so the origin is in the middle yc = fy/2 - y for x in range(fx): xc = fx/2 - x # calculate r from xc and yc r = pyl.sqrt(xc*xc+yc*yc) # calculate theta with arctan2, which works even for angles that are bigger than 90 th = (pyl.arctan2(1.*yc,(1.*xc))) # check if r and theta are within range if ((th0)): if ((r>r_cylinder)&(r<(max_r))): # x_orig and y_orig are the indices you want for the original image x_orig = int(th*sx/th_range) y_orig = int(r - r_cylinder) # assign the appropriate pixels of the final image based on the original image, flipping up down and left right (mirror image) Final[y,x,:] = Orig[sy-y_orig-1,sx - x_orig -1,:]; # make an image out of the array, and set the dpi Im = Image.fromarray(Final);["dpi"] = dpi; canvas.itemconfigure("text",text="calculated, view and/or save the anamorphic image") canvas.update() except: canvas.itemconfigure("text",text="Sorry, there was an error. Please check .png") canvas.update() def see_final(): global Im # show the image; return Im def save_final(): global Im canvas.itemconfigure("text",text="saving...") canvas.update() # open a dialog to save the image canvas.itemconfigure("text",text="saved!") canvas.update() # GUI setup root = Tk() root.title("Emily's Anamorphics (press q to exit)") root.bind('q','exit') canvas = Canvas(root, width=WINDOW, height=.25*WINDOW, background='white') # button to set radius set_r = Button(root, text = "set radius", command = set_radius) set_r.pack() # button to choose .png pickfile = Button(root, text = "choose .png", command = load_png) pickfile.pack() # button to view .png see_im = Button(root, text = "view original .png", command = see_orig) see_im.pack() # button to run the calculations calc = Button(root, text = "calculate anamorphic image", command=calc_transform) calc.pack() # button to view the results see_fin = Button(root, text = "view anamorphic image", command = see_final) see_fin.pack() # button to save the results save_fin = Button(root, text = "save anamorphic image", command =save_final) save_fin.pack() canvas.create_text(.5*WINDOW,.05*WINDOW,text="~Morph an image so it only looks right when viewed in a refective cylinder~",font=("Helvetica", 14),tags="explanation",fill="#0000b0") canvas.create_text(.5*WINDOW,.1*WINDOW,text="please set the cylinder radius",font=("Helvetica", 24),tags="text",fill="#0000b0") canvas.pack() root.mainloop()