2.1.2 Preparing Overheads
- use landscape versus portrait mode
- titles on ALL overheads--titles at TOP of figures and text in CAPS
(contrast to Figures in text)
- all text (titles and bulleted items following) boldfaced
- sans serif font [36 point (at least) for title, 24 point for text]
- 3-4 main points (excluding title) per overhead
- main points in bulleted series; subpoints of bulleted items indented
- avoid complete sentences; use phrases, keywords; avoid wordwrapped lines
- figures must be simplified if you are taking them from a written
document to show main trend clarity
- keep mathematics to a minimum: show governing equation but not
detailed derivation of equation (you can always have reserve overheads
for question and answer period with more math on them)
- use tables sparingly