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Book Club

Non-book club-book club (n-bc-bc)

This IAP, End Violence and Women's and Gender Studies are hosting another series of Non-Book Club-book club (n-bc-bc).

IAP 2013:
Understanding + Responding to Rape Culture
non-bookclub-book club

Enrollment limit: none, no advance sign up , not necessary to attend all sessions
7-9PM, Room: TBD

Like book clubs? Hate the time commitment? This non-book club-book club is easy and painless. N-bc-bc will meet four times during the third week of IAP and will discuss topics related to different types of gender violence in our culture. Each evening a discussion will be sparked by two short articles, book excerpts or movie clips. Food and drinks provided!
Materials will be available for viewing and downloading at web.mit.edu/end_violence/

Discussion Topics:

Mon Jan 21:
Speaking Up: Responses to slut shaming and rape culture
Tues Jan 22:
Policy: White men debate the fate of vagina-owners Broken System: Failures of institutions to serve survivors and discipline rapists
Wed Jan 23:
Broken System: Failures of Institutions to serve survivors and discipline rapists
Thurs Jan 24:
[Un]Scientific Apologies: How science colors views on sexual violence

Contact: Laura Schmitz, lschmitz@mit.edu

Jan 21: Speaking Up: Responses to slut shaming and rape culture

Slut Shaming/Victim Blaming
Activists Reclaim Use of the ‘S’ Word

Jenna Marbles “Things I Don’t Understand About Girls Part 2: Slut Edition

Response Video by Chescaleigh: How Slut Shaming Becomes Victim Blaming

Who Taught Me to Hate Women?

Retail Rape Culture
“Pink Loves Consent” Underwear Spark Victoria’s Secret Confusion

Do It Yourself Consent Panties

Street Harrassment
Why We Act to End Street Harrassment

Hollaback Boston: (no particular article, just check out the website)

Jan 22: Policy: White men debate the fate of vagina-owners

2012 Rape Culture Alphabetical Review

2012 Rape Culture in Politics

Tina Fey slams Todd Akin over ‘legitimate rape remarks

This is My Body

Jan 23: Broken System: Failures of Institutions to serve survivors and discipline rapists


Trailer for film “Invisible War” (Trigger Warning: Rape)

The full movie is available on Netflix if you want to watch the entire thing. (Major Trigger Warning: Rape)

The Invisible War:

Jan 24: (more to be added)

[Un]Scientific Apologies: How science colors views on sexual behavior

Pick excerpts from two books