end violence against womena time to make a difference
The Technology and Culture Forum at MIT presents this year's series of events on Violence Against Women. This website is dedicated to providing information about the people who fight for women's rights all over the globe, the organizations that make it possible to mobilize for change, and the events here in Cambridge and Boston that highlight these amazing individuals and organizations and their work.

Please join us in learning more about the state of women's rights today, and in making a difference. Check out the Calendar and Events pages for information about the talks, movie screenings, performances, and fundraisers that are coming up.
violence against women: a global epidemic
The statistics for violence against women are jarring. Each year, fifty thousand women and children are trafficked into the United States alone. 135 million women and girls have undergone genital mutilation worldwide. Even where there aren't clear numbers, the fact is that violence against women occur everyday in many corners of the globe. Honor killings are still upheld in many places--women are murdered in the name of "honor punishments," their families often standing by or even taking part in the atrocities. Girls in Afghanistan and Taliban-dominated parts of Pakistan have acid thrown in their faces for trying to go to school.

Violence Against Women is an epidemic and it is time to make a change. Join us as we educate ourselves about the current state of things in different parts of the globe, and about the different ways that we can make a difference.

planning team
The End Violence planning team is made up of students, staff, faculty, and alum from MIT and other schools, as well as local-area organizations. If you’re interested in helping out, please email end_violence[at]mit[dot]edu.