Photos:Projects:Frank and Rosa Book
My present for Frank & Rosa for their wedding: it's a guest book with
pictures of the them and their friends and family throughout the years.
I saw a lot of people looking through it throughout the entire
reception, so I guess it was a hit. The pictures from below are from
after the pictures were (mostly) in and before any of the captioning or
signing happened.
Front cover
The coptic stiched spine
Corner view
Spine end corner view
Inside the front cover
Vellum Covering Page
Toddlers Page
When We Were Small
First Cars
Frank's MIT Graduation
Rosa's MIT Graduation
First Deathsquad Page
Second Deathsquad Page
The Deep Creek Pages
The Muir Woods Page
A Navy Page
Framed Couple shot
The Handshakes
Between Signatures
What the book looked like when opened to between 2 signatures.
Between Signatures (Closeup)