Photos:Weddings :Laura & Jerry
Sunday, May 25, 2003 - Independence Harbor, Assonet, Massachusetts
~ the guest album
that I made for them ~
Ian Francis Zane
Laura getting her hair done
rif and Anna
Meilin Wong
Meilin the photographer
In the background: Adina & Brian.
Francis, Ian, & Trent (Babies to the left of me)
Sara Earl
"Hi!" (Babies to the right of me)
Ian & Francis
Trent laughing
Derrick & Donna
The best man and matron of honor process out.
Charles & Sunspark
See the incredible purple jacket.
Trent rolling on the floor
But not laughing just now.
Bride and Groom
Artistic through the tree shot.
More Bride and Groom
Artistic from behind through the trees shot.
Wedding party outside
Jess, Donna, & Laura refresh themselves during the picture taking.
Wedding party outside
Jess, Donna, & Laura again
More of the wedding party
Wedding party with swords
Getting ready for the artistic shot with swords.
Ryan Caveney
Ryan got a mace instead of a sword.
Sara at the Shivaree
Puzzled by this DDR thing.
Seth and Sara
Small children playing DDR - sometimes they get it, sometimes they don't.
Leftover beanine babies
Those that didn't make the cut as table markers during the reception get relegated to the game table during the shivaree.
Trees from the enchanted forest
Mike, Charles, Jess, & Laura
The rest of the Trees
(Jess), Laura, Zanzibar, Eon, & Kate
Pictures taken with a Canon Powershot S200.